question about fatigue and meds | Arthritis Information


I'm trying to get clearer on what to expect with the fatigue.

I understand that with at least some of the drugs that treat the RA,there's usually no improvement in the fatigue. Is that your experience?

Are some of the drugs known to improve fatigue along with the joint symptoms? If so, which ones?

If you get to go into remission, does that mean the fatigue disappears too?


I know that methotrexate caused a lot of fatigue with me. But the lack of sleep due to pain can also cause it. Finally, just being in pain all day is enough to exhaust someone.

Remission can mean many things. If it is a drug induced remission then you will obviously still be dealing with the side effects of the meds. If you are in true remission without drugs I would guess the fatigue would also disappear.

Remission does not mean it won't come back. It does not mean you are cured.

Enbrel has enabled me to go off all other RA meds and I do feel less fatigued. Even though I feel Enbrel has helped me A LOT. I still do not feel like I am in a drug induced remission. I still have pain and cannot certain things.

But I work full time and have two children so sometimes it's hard to tell exactly WHAT is exhausting me.

The methotrexate is definitely the cause of most of my fatigue, especially 2 days after my weekly dose (done on Thursdays). On Saturdays, I'm absolutely worthless, spending most of the day zonked out on the couch.

We're doing the paperwork now to get me started on Humira, and my rheumy says that once I've been on the Humira for about 3 months, if the response is good, I'll probably be able to stop the Mtx and the fatigue problem should pretty much abate.



I started using Lyrica 25mg for Fibro/CFS and went from bed 4 to 6 day hours to 1 to 2 hours and once in a while stay awake all day.