intro I’m new | Arthritis Information


Hi Lyn, It is nice to meet you. MY uncle lives in Carmel. I have never been there but hear it is very pretty.  We moved from Alaska to S. Dakota. It has been a crazy year.  I'm sorry to hear about your your in laws. That had to be hard on you and your family. It is great chatting with you. CherieHello and welcome.  Its always tough to make friends, especially when you don't feel well.  If you have a local ymca, see if they have a pool.  Its great for us because it takes the pressure of our joints and keeps us mobile and you may meet a few people as well!Thanks for the tips on the pool.  I will try that.  I used to go to Jazzersize before we moved here. My RA was not as bad as it is now though. I just could not jump/ all low impact. We bought a house and we finished the basement ourselves. Well it is not finished yet. I can't paint anymore. My hands and shoulders did not take that well. It will be nice to be moved in completely and then maybe I will have a more energy.It is nice to meet you .

welcome .......I know you will find this sight rewarding....thee are many great people who understand  and that is the big one understands completly untill they walk in your shoes.




welcome cherie.


i know how you feel. somedays i dont even want to get out of bed.

my first appointment isn't until early feb. and i cant wait, but at the same time, i know i will need many visits and more test to completely diagnos this. although i aready feel certain about having ra, its just an awful feeling to feel so out of control, and to feel as you put it, a slug.

on the bright side, my mate and family seam to be understanding. thats more than i could hope for.

welcome to a great place.


i'm new to and am enjoying this place. a real bright spot for me since i have been so down these last 6 months.




Hello cherie. Come along for a ride on the magical mystery tour. The mystery is in all phases of this diseases and the magic is in how you will survive it's ups and downs. But the people here are great and they get me through just some awful days.

Hi Cherie!! Glad you are here. I am in and out all the time on this ride. I hope you stick around.


Hey Cherie - Moving and RA is just not advised