sed rates | Arthritis Information


Would like info on sed rates. My internest seems concerned. Ruemy says not to worry. [QUOTE=maslaynak]Would like info on sed rates. My internest seems concerned. Ruemy says not to worry.Hugh Flare and my sed rate was 4 !!!!!! ????????

Sed rates don't always match disease activity. You can have severe disease and low sed rate or mild disease with high sed rate.

Here's an explanation from LabsOnline for ESR (aka sed rate) html

I agree. My sed rate doesn't go up very much when I flare very
badly.My rheumatologist always seems very concerned about my sed rate. When first diagnosed in Aug 05, my sed rate was 103. It has since varied from the 40's to 50's, still nowhere near the normal of under 20. It definitely seems to correspond to major flares. Enbrel just seemed to kick in about a week ago, I have labs this week, and RD appt. next week. It will be interesting to see where the sed rate goes. The sed rate has been the main problem with all my blood tests since being diagnosed.I think ba better test is the CRP test. That was elevated in me with a normal sed rate my sed rate is 95 now doc was pleased cause he said its down from 115.