Worried | Arthritis Information


My case manager for SS determination told me I would not have to see a doctor.  Now I get a letter in the mail saying I have to go see an occupational therapist on Dec. 29.  This worries me as I am doing so much better since my meds were changed.  Any advice?

Is the disease under better control, or are your heavier pain meds masking it? If you're doing more because the pain meds are keeping the pain down, you could be hurting yourself, they say. If you don't take the narcotics, are you still doing a lot better?

I dont know if this helps in the USA but I was advised by our disability service in the UK that I must tell  social services and disability how I feel on my worse day ever  because  thats how it could be all the time even on meds. If we look at the big picture we seem to have lots more bad days than good, and even when the meds are working the side effects cause extreme fatigue and other nasties. If we were to come off the meds we would be back to where we started. So it really doesnt matter if the meds make you feel better at the moment , you still have RA and there is no cure and it could flare at any moment.

From all you have told me, I don't think you could pass the Occupational Therapist exam. Your worst day is you can't move, can't drive, can't cook. You've been surviving only because other people in the house take care of you.

I woudn't worry about it. This is one test I don't think you can pass. How far can you walk? Can you sit and work at a computer? Heck, you can't even control Tyler and Abby, so dog sitting is even out of the question.

Half the time you can't remember things. What job do they think you are going to do? Oh, I know medical examiner for SS. I should be kidding but after all I've been through lately, I don't think I really am.

I know I can't work because of my poor memory and if I sit too long it hurts, I can't stand more than 15 minutes, I forget things that are told to me 30 minutes ago, I put my wallet in the fridge, I lose things on a constant basis.  Thing is, the pain meds do have my pain under control.  In the past, I go to the doctor and it is so obvious I am in pain that no one ever doubts me.  Now I am trying to decided whether or not to take meds before appt.  I cleaned the livingroom floor and kitchen floor, they were filthy.  Took me hours but I got it done.  Now I am thoroughly exhausted.  I have been told that is my responsibility as I am the animal lover Roxy write or type  very, very detailed examples of each step that it takes for you to get something accomplished.  Do this for the everyday things and read it over and over until you memorize it.  I think that docs make us feel that we need to hurry when answering their questions so we just say "that is hard to do" and we need to be extremely precise to prove our disability.

SS likes tons of data and I am giving them back tons of data.  The point is to show why you cannot work.  For instance wake up, turn and put my legs on the floor, after a couple of minutes stand,  wait a few more minutes to get steady and then try to duck waddle (knees don't bend in the morning) to the bathroom,  fall on the toilet since I cannot lower myself (those knees again)...  Well you get the picture.

You are right Bonny.  I will work on a list.  Thank you.
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