parrafin wax foot soaks | Arthritis Information


Cant get any help in the UK , Where do I start ? how do i do it?

You can get them online all over. I would think you could find them in a health & beauty store as well, and probably for cheaper than online. I got mine for , and it's big enough to do my hands or my feet. I LOVE it. Here's what one looks like, and some info about it. Amazon sells several different ones. Poke around and get a feel for which size you want! B0002X5I0M/ref=pd_sim_hpc_4/002-8271713-9509606

Thanks Katie, they look amazing and hubby taking me to look at one tomorrow.

They are wonderful.  Though my foot just barely fits in mine - gut then I have big feet!!

I am in the Uk too! My sister has just done a course in pedicure and she does paraffin wax treatments for me - you can get the stuff from on-line retailers that supply beauty salons etc. Or from wholesalers. She found a supplier by asking at her local salon!

It is bliss!


Oh, by the way, there's 2 ways to do it - either get a "bath" that heats the wax and stick your feet in or paint the wax on your feet, wrap in cling film, then foil, then a fluffy towel and leave to stew! A happy side effect will be lovely soft smooth skin...


Many thanks KT I will look into itI just bought the Dr. Scholl's paraffin bath......going to heat the wax excited.  Walmart, .00That's the one I got! :) Yay! I love it so!I will ask our Asda stores here in UK as they are part of Walmart. Watch this space