Help with Pain Management Solutions | Arthritis Information


I am being offered only one type of solution for my pain management and that is the opiates, meds like oxycotin and morphine. My neurologist really doesn't want me on those. Also after the nightmare of watching my  daughter go through using these methods, I don't want to be a zombie, addicted to these medications.

I have a choice of only 3 doctors. The first one is the one I fired. The second one is my daughter's and the 3rd is too far away for me to drive (even ride) there. That's it.

I looked at the paperwork and they want me to sign a document that states I will agree to any treatment they suggest, I will be regularly drug tested and randomly asked to bring in my medications so that they can be counted. This is about a 6 page legal document that I cannot get any help from them unless I sign it. And, they want it signed before the doctor even sees me.

I called them and asked about this, stating I didn't want these type of strong medications. I want to try other, less severe treatments. Nope, they don't do them.

I have to go back to my primary and ask for something else. I have no idea what to ask for. I'm already scheduled for PT. But I believe that a lot of my pain can be treated and that I am not at the "just learn to live with it stage." The main reason that they want to put me on the opiates is for the Fibromylagia. I cannot believe that is the only treatment for Fibromylagia patients.

I need to know what other things to ask for. I'm sure that they would be very happy to dope me up so I couldn't complain any more.

So help....

My PCP has Fibro and had super results using Lyrica.  She told me that she was able to cut her pain meds down to half of what she was taking.  I take 25mg at night and the fibro did ease some but at the moment the RA is raging so am using vidodin. 

I won't touch oxycontin or morphine but use the much lighter vicodin.  It just cuts the edge but I can live with that.

Have you ever had a sonic ultra sound for therapy?  I got my own machine from Canada as they cannot be sold here to the patients and I love it.  It was about 0 and I know that now is a bad time but when you get your SSDI keep it in mind.  When an area gets excruciating hubby gives me a treatment and it sure helps and I don't need to take more narcotics.

I also used a pain control psycologist to learn alternative methods as well.

Take care.

I'm going to ask about the Lyrica since I believe a lot of my pain is nerve pain mostly because the Neurontin helped me so very much. Too bad it gave me even worse tremors.

I have had the ultrasound therapy on my shoulder. The pain is all up and down my spine. I don't know how I would give myself that treatment. I would try my TENs there, but can't attach it to the points that need help. And, I have to wait until benefits someday magically appear.

But your suggestions were really good. I'll keep them in mind. I do use the Vicodin and you're right it does only take the edge off. They've told me that it is not a good long term med. I guess they are worried about the kidneys.


Deanna, I have been under the care of a pain management specialist for 4 years. I have been in pain for many years longer than that. I also have fibro, RA, OA, Degenerative disc and joint diseases, severe scoliosis, etc.... What it boils down to is that I have been in constant pain for many years of my life.

I know you understand this better than most people. I took Vicodin several years ago and it worked well for pain at that time. But as these diseases progress and the damage to your bones, joints and in my case, and it sounds like yours, spine in particular ,becomes more severe, we require stronger pain meds.

I am now on methadone as my primary pain med and morphine sulfate IR as my breakthru pain med. I take the morphine on days when I over-do, like today, or just having a really nasty day for no reason at all. That's what it's for. My pain doc does NOT want me to be in pain. If these meds stop working, I tell her, we go to something else. But it has been narcotic pain drugs for some time, because its the only thing that takes the edge off my pain.

That's right, it just takes the edge off. I still never have a minute without pain. But it is pain I can live with, at least.   That's just my life. I know many, many understand. But I'm telling you all this, Deanna, because it seems like so many of the people here are afraid of narcotic pain drugs. They are just another med, another tool, for the doctors to use to help chronic pain patients.

Just don't be afraid of them. If you have a really good doctor monitoring your care and taking regular blood tests, they are less dangerous than some of the RA drugs we must take.

That's just my experience, Sweetie. Best of luck to you

Hugs and Blessings,



Nini, I wouldn't be so afraid if I wasn't seeing on a daily basis what is happening to my daughter. I've had to take her to the ER multiple times. Her stomach and esphoghas are being destroyed by them. Her teeth are rotting out of her mouth. She's like a zombie.

I have the fear not because of what I think the pain meds can do on positive end, but what they do to my daughter. I do feel like I want my problems addressed first, not just put me on meds and not look at what is causing the pain.

I have the appointment. But I do not want to sign a long, legal document that gives up all my rights as a patient. I still want some control over this.

They have not investigated yet the cause of my spine pain. They have pretty much ignored it. They are just lumping all my pain in FM. I know that I may have to take this step and if I do, I will. But I need to be sure about it.

It is the fact that the only treatment that I am being offered is these pain meds. Let's not investigate what might be wrong and see if it can be corrected. They haven't done MRIs, sent me to a spine specialist.

That's my complaint. My reservation is in watching my daughter. If she gets sick, starts throwing up, then she starts this terrible cycle of withdrawal, more throwing up that can't be ended until she is hospitalized for stablization.

Now, she does have the interactions with her psych meds too. But still, I know my body is not strong enough to go through that even once.

I am afraid because I have spent hours in the ER and the hospital, hours in the docto's office, watching her suffer through this option. They say her problem is not surgically treatable. I don't know if this is true or not because she won't push it because she is fully committed to her pain meds.

I am also afraid to have the same kind of meds in my house with her. She has overtaken her meds before.

I don't think it's wrong to take the pain meds. I just need to be sure that this is the option for me. And, I don't want to be treated like a criminal if I take them. Every time my daughter goes to the ER for any reason, completely unrelated to her pain meds, they treat her like she is seeking drugs. She explains everything and never asks for more drugs. But it is clear that is what they think, so they don't go ahead and investigate the real problem.

I too have gotten wonderful relief using lyrica. I very rarely have to use vicodin. I hated taking vicodin because of what it did to my memory. My Dr also gave me provigil to help clear my head and it gave me great relief from terrible muscle spasms that I was plagued with.

I didn't talk to the doctor about the Lyrica. I went with the time-released morphine. I think I will wait on that one to discuss with the Neurologist who I see on the 9th which is not very far away. That seems reasonable for the next couple of weeks. I am pretty desperate for some relief here.

But those things are going on my lists and I do appreciate they suggestions. At least I can go in there armed with information so I can make choices about my own care.

Deanna - are you able to sleep at night? I have heard that lack of good, deep sleep to relax the muscles makes FM worse. Maybe your doc will give you something like Ambien or Lunesta to help with that.  I have used both, and they do help me.   All the best!Deanna, I really think you're unwavering fear of narcotic pain meds is PLENTY enough motivation to keep you from becoming addicted. When was the last time you heard of someone being terrified of being an alcoholic, who was an alcoholic? Just think about it. I know I've said that before, so I'll shut up. Sorry!

felines4ever, my sleep varies a lot. That's when I often get the tremors. Many times, just laying triggers them and then they are off on a run for about 4 hours of really bad pain. Problem is that I am on so many meds that the doctor's just shake their heads.

I would be willing to try either of those. But I guess we're going  to address the pain in my spine and joints first.

Katie, I'm not so afraid of being addicted. I'm afraid of the damage these meds can do to my body and being unable to mentally function because of them. At this point, my mind is the only thing that seems to function somewhat correctly (yes, I know you beg to disagree). And, Katie, I always love your teasing and your directness both. They are essential to your charm, part of who you are. So, is the way you care about people.
