What are some of the things? | Arthritis Information


What are some of the everyday tasks that you normally wouldn't even give a second thought to doing that you now have problems doing?  Any ideas or ways you find doing these things easier and with less pain?  For me I find squeezing the tooth paste out painful, shampooing my hair, fastening my bra (sorry guys..lol), opening jars and cans, getting the wet heavy clothes out of the washer, buttoning my pants, all those small little tasks I never gave a second thought about.  I hate asking for help and get so angry that I would even need to ask for help doing these things, somedays I feel like I'm two years old!


What kind of medication are you on Jen?

I remember years ago getting ready; everything from brushing my teeth, drying my hair...and even working buttons and tying my shoes was so difficult. I'd be in tears before I could leave the house.

I really don't have those problems anymore though; not nearly to the extent I use to. Proper medication means the difference in being able to function and not being able to function. It's not just about pain for people like us; it's about being able to manage simple task like turning a door knob.

I won't sit here and tell you I'm pain free...but I can manage simple task with ease and that's a dramatic improvement when you've been where you are at right now.


I understand where you are coming from. For Xmas, I got Black and Decker jar opener- it helps alot.  For me toothpaste is also hard for me.  for that I use a small wooden dowel and wrap the bottom end of the tube around it.  Pants - using more of the elastic waist type.  Bras - I use the front hook type. Yeah! RA is a bummer!


Love that B/D jar opener Kieye. My parents gave me one of those after I was diagnosised because I could not manage a manual one. To this day that's my favorite kitchen gadget!!

I've had RA (JRA rather) since I was kid and have really small arms as a result. Getting the wet clothes out of the washer is one of my least favorite things since I cant't reach the bottom. So I got some really long salad tongs. In fact tongs are great for all sorts of things. Especially picking things up off the floor.

I hook my bras in the front and then spin them so the back is in the back.

I have my toothepaste on the side of the sink and I leaned on it with my forearm. And to shampoo my hair I use a brush as an extension of my hand.

Hmmm.... I'm sure I have other tricks too. I've been tweaking them for 30+ years.

For jar opening I rely on my sweetie.

I had days when it would take me hours to get ready. I'd feel so defeated I'd just burst into tears. Right meds has made a HUGE difference in my life. Now I can get up, showered, dressed, earrings/makeup too and out the door in 45 minutes or less.


On a day after I have overdone (cleaning/gardening/etc.) and my fingers take a while to become unswollen/sore, I drive with leather gloves - it helps with steering wheel grip and you also don't need to close your fingers around the wheel as much. The kind I have I got at a Harley Davidson store (!) They are open at the very ends so they don't feel so hot to wear in the summer, but they cover the most swollen finger parts: second knuckles, big knuckles and hand. Be sure to get a size larger than you'd usually wear.

Regards, Rana

I have problems blow drying my hair and tweezing eyebrows.  When in a flare, my hairs funky and my 'brows bushy.  I get horrible cramps in my hand.


Plaquenil and Prednisone are what I am suppose to be taking. I have this huge huge huge fear of meds!!!!  I do the paraffin wax and rotate heat and ice on my  hands, I do take Motrin for the pain and I know I should be taking my meds and have not alot of room to complain when I'm not taking them but....I'm a chronic complainer...lol

Thank you for your ideas and suggestions, I knew I could count on you all...



Hi Jen,

Understand you have a problem with meds,BUT is very important to preserve ourselves as long as we can, and this can be done with the proper meds.As for difficult things,the bra thing is bad for me,I hook in front and turn it around(but have difficulty) doing this.I told my husband one day I need help .He replied you'll have to tell me what to do.I never put one of these things on a women I just took them off them.He's funny and wonderful.The tooth paste,opening thing,even cutting my meat.I would had to have hubby cut mine.I am doing better every day ,have recently changed to MTX and prednisone.Really think about taking meds,if not working tell RD-they had me on sulfasalazine 3000mg.with prednisone,that didn't work so he moved on with MTX.As the wonderful people on this site were great on letting me know you have to go through a process with the meds,Dr doesn't know what will work for each individual.Take care of yourself.Sherry


I want a jar opener!! didn't even know there was one, although knowing my luck you wouldn't be able to get it over here. at the moment i rely on the people we're living with, (long story) but they're moving out in a few weeks and i don't know what i'm going to do then

Tying shoes? i need to wear my boots if i'm bad, as they support my ankles, but they take me ages to lace,. getting dressed at all is a challenge, my little man quite often does my socks for me.

The other thing i have real trouble with is opening medication bottles!! the last guy who gave me the prescription looked at me like i'd gone mad when i asked him to return them to their original bottle without the safety cap so i could get them out!!  And i even showed him te permission card thingy the rheumy gave me, he still said it was unusual.  biggest challenge at the moment is just plain walking, things gotten quite bad this week, but i will not give them the satisfaction of me giving in!  It took me nearly 40mins to get home yesterday, but i got here! normally only takes 20ish.  I'm going back to GP this week, hope to get some help or maybe he can try again to hurry rheumy appt.  in the meantime i'll just sulk.

I know for a fact that plaqenil has to build up in your system. That's why often it takes several months to see results from this and other medications. You need to take it daily as precribed. Predisone requires very strick scheduling as well. That one can be dangerous if not taken as precribed.

Now pain medications on the other hand can be taken as needed. I like that myself because like you I hate taking medication everyday...especially when I'm feeling good.

I now take MTX and Humira and it works so good for me because I only take it once a week!! That's the kind of pill popping schedule I can keep up with.

I hate always talking like a "know it all" but I have learned a lot over the years dealing with this disease. Like Sherry said; these medications like plaquenil are being prescribed in the effort to prevent futher joint damage that can not be reversed later. With this disease putting off treatment only means you are adding to your problem. If you are having trouble functioning now think of two more years at this rate. We have what is referred to as a progressive disease; it gets worse and worse over time no matter what medication you are on. These DMARDS are meant to SLOW it down.

Only you can decide what's right for you....but for myself and so many others here we have decided that our best defense is to be aggressive. Wait and see is not a good idea with RA. You may find a few years will do dramatic damage that you can not reverse.

We'll support you no matter what you decide; but I wouldn't feel like a very good friend if I didn't at least mention my thoughts on the issue.


Hi Jen,

Lovie is right. You are a young women, with a lot of life to live.  It's easy to say now "I'm doing it my way without the meds and feeling okay", but years down the road when the damage is done and can't be fixed is what you need to be thinking about when your picking and choosing your treatment now. It's not to say, just take what they give you and hope for the best.  Educate yourself on the choices and make the decisions for yourself, but always have your future a big part of that pie.

Take care and like lovie has said you know we're with ya either way!

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