If it aint one thing..................... | Arthritis Information


As if I dont have enough problems causing me pain, I came into another one yesterday.

About mid afternoon I started having a dull pain in my right eye, I just thought it may be the start of a migraine or sinus headache. By evening time my eye hurt so much I couldnt focus on one thing to long and bright light hurt my eye. I was invited to dinner at a friends house and I didnt want to dissappoint her so I went although I felt awful (by this time several of my joints were hurting as well). She was so sweet and concerned she insisted that I lie down on her bed for awhile, and I finally did after I ate and to a vicodon pill ( not sure about sp.) Long story short, I ended up spending the night there because my eye was so swollen I couldnt open it fully, on top of the jabbing pain, and she took me to the ER this morning. I have a sty on my right eye for which I have to take theses HUGE antibiotic pills 7 days and apply a hot compress to relieve the pain.

I swear if its not one thing with me its fifty. I cant catch a break. You guys are probably tired of me complaining when I post, one of these days Im gonna have a good day and cheer you all up with my msg.

I do hope everyone has a better week than I have.

KAZY GIRL......know what you mean.  I've had bad  eye pain which is progressively getting worse, sensitive to light, feels like sandpaper.  Think it's all just dry eye but see rheumy Wed. to sort of some of the strange things going on with me.  JUST GOT OVER A BAD FLARE BUT CAN'T GET OVER THIS CHRONIC FATIGUE THING!   She thinks it's the firbo now.  Hope your eye gets better really soon.  RA is enough to deal with!    As Rosannadanna said, it's always something!

Yes as it goes "when it rains it pours".  It would be a good idea to have an Ophthalmologist look at your eyes too.  If it was just an ER doc he is not able to look for something like Iritis or Uveitis which can be Ra related and cause some of the sx you describe especially the pain and light sensitivity. It may in fact be just the "sty" but I would'nt take the, chance.

I was an Ophthalmic tech for 14 years and recognized my son to have Iritis a few years back.  I took him to his MD to get a referral to the Opthalmologist and was told it was just an allergy and that no referral would be given.  I took him out of network to the Opthalmologist and sure enough he had full blown Iritis (potentially very serious). He needed steroid drops every hour for 24 hours, then tapered it down over the next couple of weeks. He will have to see the Opthalmologist every 3-4 months until he is an adult to make sure it does not come back.  I tell you this not to scare you but to let you know that if the ER Dr was not an Opthalmologist with a slit lamp available to examine you, he should have treated you for what he could at that moment and then refer you to see the Ophthalmologist ASAP.

I hope you are feeling better soon,

Thanks Pam for letting me know how this can affect your eyes. Im seeing my RD today at 3:30p. Im gonna ask her about the things you mentioned. I also have a follow up appointment for my eye Wed. I have a lot to talk about over the next few days.

I'm glad you'll be seeing your RD.  Sorry to scare you, keep in mind these problems I have mentioned are rare and I because of my experience I am probably a little

When you have Iritis there are white cells found in the fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye.  These white cells can only be recognized by an Opthalmologist and seen with a "slit lamp" microscope. I just want you  to know this so you push to see an Opthalmologist.

I know it's hard  not to worry, but it is very likely that you do not have this problem.  It is just that your risk factor is higher and it is always better to be safe.

You know I'll be thinking of you so let me know how everything goes.

Pam we're blessed to have you here and your experience in this department. I've heard so many complaints lately about things with the eye; and I've noticed several of these symptoms with my own eyes. It's prompted me to set up an appointment as well.

Shawnie; I hope you're feeling better soon Sweetie. Please let us know what the doctor says. I'll be thinking of you.



Don't apologize for complaining!  That's what we're all here for - to complain to each other and help each other, as well as to celebrate with each other when we're feeling good.

Pam, thanks for the info on the eyes.  I knew that RA could affect the eyes as well as other organs, but never paid much attention to it, assuming that my rheumy would know what to look for and advise me on. I guess I shouldn't count on such things should I. I have had minor problems with my eyes for a couple of months now, that seems to come and go.  They don't necessarily feel dry as much as they do sticky and they ache and get puffy.  Then it goes away.  I suppose I should see about getting an appointment with an ophthalmologist.  I saw an optometrist in March for a regular exam, and he said my eyes were healthy.  I was having the problems before that, and mentioned it to him, but he said he didn't find any problems.  Do you think I should still see an opthalmologist?  Can they spot something an optomotrist can't? 

I hope you're feeling better very soon Shawnie. 


Hi Cris,

Yes, I would definately have an Opthalmologist take a look.  Optoms are better than ever before, but still do not have all the training and knowledge of the MD.  When you have a Chronic Illness and are on medications, it is always best to have an Ophthalmologist check in on the health of your eyes. 

Hope your day is going good, gotta get back to work!!

I don't think I have any major problems going on; but I think I've now just got to add this to my list of yearlys.

The last thing I want to lose is my eyesight!!

Thanks for helping me stay on top of things guys.

Hey Guys Im back from the Doc, and I read all of your post. Thanx for being so supportive today, I FEEL SO LOVED!!!!!!!

My Doc discussed my test results with me and said that the bone scan did show inflammation in my shoulders, collar bone, wrists, hands, and feet. She said that it must be some type of inflammatory arthritis cause im too young for the other types, so she now pretty sure it must be Rheumatiod Arthrits (I think I spelled that right). She want me to start taking Plaquenil twice a day after my blood work comes back and see her again in 6wks. I told her about my eye and she said it shouldnt be a problem with me taking Plaquenil and the antibiotic too, she did refer me to an opthalmalogist tho and that appointment is the 30th of June. So I seem to be making some progress, and I do like my RD. She's very nice she's thorough and kindly overlooked my attitude the first visit with her.

To Pam I really appreciate that info you gave me, and it's okay about scaring me, I probably need to be scared into taking better care of myself anyway

I'm glad you made your apt today.  How is your eye feeling tonight?? better I hope.  If the pain and Light sensitivity does not get better or actually gets worse, be sure to let the Ophthalmology office know so they can bring you in sooner if need be.

Take care,

Im so glad you were able to see the eye doc and have at least some of your questions answered. It's nice when you run across the few caring doctors who are concerned enough to listen and try to help you find some relief.

Pam I did read your post and yes my eye is finally back to a normal size and the pain is gone, thanx for asking.

Have a great day everyone.

I've never had a bone scan done, and only had x-rays twice (which showed nothing) since being dx with RA.  I'm thinking that perhaps I should ask for a bone scan.  Maybe that will help answer some of my questions.  What do you think?

I'm glad your appointment went well Shawnie.  That's great news.  It always helps when the appointments go well.  I hope you're feeling better today.


I had a bone scan 4yrs ago when I changed to a new Internist. He wanted a baseline to judge disease progression over time. At the time, my lt hip was bothering me and I was fussing about it.  The scan showed inflammation everywhere but the hip joints.

Yes the Opthalmologist is the right doctor for you to see about your eye problems. He is a regular MD with a speciality in the eye. An Optometrist checks your eyes to see if you need glasses. He will give you a prescription for glasses.

Good luck with your eye exam. I have dry eye & mouth due to Sjogrens, secondary to my arthritis. I use eyedrops and get along well. 

BarbI somehow missed this previously but I do have  to question why a doc would say you are too young for a particular type of arthritis?  I do agree it is Ra affecting you but it is possible for other types of arthritis to affect you regardless of age.  Yes OA typically does affect older adults but I have it as secondary to RA.  I'm 28 so age isn't a role here.  Maybe it was just the doc chose an odd way to explain herself but, if I've learned one thing through my experiences it is you're never too youngfor pretty much anything if ya got a body to be affected.  Supposedly, I'm too young to have osteoporosis especially given I'd never been on corticosteroids until the last few years but gee, I had signs of it during childhood. 
I'm glad though you got the eye thing all straightened out.  I know I saw my opthamoogist every 6 months unless something popped up in the meantime during childhood.  I think every 6 months I had one of those monster all day appts.  See the opthamologist to dialate my eyes, head to x-ray and then the lab, possibly thrown in the ear doc and then back to the clinic to see my rheumy and the many students.  Then last back to finish the eye checks.  Joy joy joy. 

Wayney I'm not sure why the doc considered me too young for the other types of arthritis (I think there are 100 different kinds or more) but I guess she was more concerned about the inflammation that showed up on the bone scan. She said it was not dramatic(whatever that means) but it was showing and I believe the inflammation is what pointed more toward RA.

I do however agree with you about being young having nothing to do with having any type of arthritis. I have been told that for so long, by docs, friends, and family, and it burns me up when I hear it.
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