RA & Lupus | Arthritis Information



Okay, my Boston Rheumy called me today.  My new tests are coming back the same....high on the Lupus, high on the RA.  He said that people don't have both.  He said I'll remain in the "rupus" box until every test comes back........

Does anyone else have this??????????

HI there, I had a positive ANA, which is a marker for Lupus, and can be a marker for RA. Also a positive RF. so, My Rheumatoligist, then did extensive testing, to rule out Lupus, which he feels I do not have. So, my diagnosis is early RA/Undifferentiated Connective Disease. Basicaly, it appears they are treated the same way, and are all autoimune infamitory diseases. I guess for now we just watch, and see what happens, and if your Doc is a good and proactive one, he will test you regulary. I have significant joint pain and some swelling,and alot of fatigue. So my symptoms are more RA like. I take 200mg of Plaquenil twice daily, and it seemed to help for a while, now..... well, I get a re -eval in a couple of weeks. What was your sed rate, do you know? Mine was basicaly normal then, we will see what it shows next . Good luck, it is very frustrating,

Hi Jena!

He said my ANA was very high and another test (not sure which one) was positive that goes along with Lupus, however my Rheumatoid factor and another Rheumatoid test came back positive too.  I think he said my sed rate was okay.  I probably should have brought in a paper and pen, but he through me for a loop with this so my mind kind of blanked.  He has done all of the tests again and I was quite pleased that he personally called me, got my machine and left his pager number so that I could call him back.  He said he'll keep digging so I'm sure he will.

It's nice to know I wasn't the only one with this start.  How are you feeling?  Does the medicine help with your fatigue and symptoms?

I have heard of people have Rupus. You might want to look it up. My doctor early on called it Mixed Connective Tissue Disease because I have overlapping symptoms for both. But I have never tested positive for Lupus and don't want to pursue that possibility.

But it is true that most of the medicines are the same for both and if you have symptoms for both he's probably goint to prescribe with that in mind.

Medicines can totally change your life around. It sounds like you have a good doc. Learn as much as you can, research and talk to people here. You'll be more prepared your next viist. Be sure to right down questions that come up and yell if the meds aren't working.

Thanks Deanna.  I brought paper and pen with me, and was upset that I didn't take down notes.  When he started with the Rupus, I blanked.

I'll do some research for this for sure.  I am very happy with this doctor,he's the director of the arthritis center for a large hospital in Boston.  He comes into the waiting room himself to get you, and the fact that he called me and insists we're not done yet and will get a mix of drugs that will work makes me feel better.

Happy holidays to all...and hopefully a day that you're feeling great to go along with it.

Hi Debrakay

I hope that they help sort this out for you soon.  It sounds like you have a really dedicated doctor though.  Happy Holidays:)


It is possible to have both.  I do...The RA has been the worst.

My ANA was high when first DX'D...which could be an indicator for an autoimmune disease of some sort...along with the other symptoms I was having. The doctor was worried since they both run in in my family and my mother had both.

Well...My symptoms presented with both. They DX'D me with RA first and kept me borderline for LUPUS.  In my teens, I would get skin break outs in my face and my joints on one side would lock up.  My hair would come out in patches.  This was off and on all the way through my late twenties.  They would come and go and the doctors would say it was stress related.  NOT!!!!!

Okay ...back to the story...about 1 year after my RA/Bordeline LUPUS DX'S...I started to have kidney Scaring.  I had an Ultrasound the year before and the scan was clear.  My kidneys were scarred where they had not been before.   My face broke out in a Butterfly rash. YET...the RA was still the worst of the two.

They DX'D me with both...I am being treated for both and still the RA is the worse of the two.  The LUPUS only really acts up if I am stressed or if over heated. Rarely does it, since being treated for both act up...my kidneys are doing better as well.


So, Yes...you can have both...YET...Like my rheumy told me...Doctor's like to DX you with one or the other.  Why, because one disease is easier to treat then two. 

Also, me being an African American Woman...she told me the LUPUS is often not dx in us until it is to late. Or, we are often miss DX'D with MS or Connective Tissue Disease when it is really LUPUS.  It depends on the age of onset, family history, and symptoms that are underlying to get a good DX'S.

I hope this helps and if you are not satisfied with the answers you are getting or feel something is still not right:

One...get a 2nd opinnion and Two...RESEARCH, RESEARCH and RESEARCH some more...AND THREE, Right down any other symptoms that may arise,write them down in a journal and ask the Rheumy question about any and everything.


Thanks Roblyn!  My Rheumatoid issues are what sent me there...pain.  I will research the issues alot I'm sure.  Glad to know I'm not alone. 

Glad to hear that you're doing well too.  This isn't a fun situation, but life does go on.....  I keep telling myself that all the time.

Me too, my tests can back 1/2 and 1/2.  Some Lupus and Some RA and they were confused because it wasn't enough Lupus stuff to be Lupus, but it had some that shouldn't exist with just RA.

They are treating me for RA.

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