checking in | Arthritis Information


I won't be on too much because my sweetheart teenage son broke my laptop and the desktop is painful for me to use.  I will try to check in daily as I care about you all so much.  I have been doing some research for my occupational doctor's appt. for SSDI.  There is some very good info at  I read all the requirements for not being able to work and I can honestly say I meet every bit of the criteria.  I am less worried about that appt.  I am considering it one step closer to getting my disability.  I am just going to be sure that he gives me a chance to address all the criteria. 

I did a lot of unpacking this morning so I am sore and tired.  Besides that all is well.  Look forward to going to family for Christmas.  I found six Christmas decorations



as always my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Take care of yourself first or you cant take care of anyone!!!

Keep on keeping on


glad all is going ok for u roxy,hugs

Dear Roxy..Have a Wonderful Christmas with your family.

Hugs and Many, many Blessings


Merry Christmas Roxy!  Have a good time with your family!

Merry Christmas to all of you - Christmas Eve breakfast tonight.  Feeling pretty good.  I slept like twelve hours yesterday.  Exhausted from working on guest room.  Still lots to do but made a big dent in it.  The kids are good, Brett is doing fine and I am walking without a cane

I don't know how you guys do it with desktops.  It really hurts my wrists and back to type on this thing.  I will be glad to get my laptop back  It had one month left on the warranty

MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS I have been catching up on all the posts I have missed and saw the one about your laptop.  I hope they can restore all your files for you.  I use my desktop all the time and have placed a small pillow in the small of my back which seems to help when I am sitting for a long period of time.  Also, when it gets bad, I hook up the heating pad and put that around my back or legs, or whatever is hurting.  Also, I have this mouse pad that has wrist support so that my arm doesn't get too stiff.
Give this a try... you may find alot of comfort with the pillows and heating pad.
I hope you are doing well.  I thought of you alot during the holiday.
Take care.....  Vicki
