To everyone | Arthritis Information


Seasons greetings to everyone on here and I wish you all a wonderful christmas.Thank you all for your support  with many issues it makes all the difference.I also wish you all a pain free holiday season.

Go out there and have a blast!

It'll be merry tomorrow. When I'm off work. :| So everyone think of me this Christmas Eve, as I sit at work alone and curse the evil girl who threw a hissy fit and refused to work today, even though she already said she would. *sigh* But really, Merry Christmas everyone...I dunno about you, but we're doing Chinese tomorrow. Right after watching A Christmas Story *grin*

Merry Christmas everyone.

Merry Christmas to all and to all..well you know

Have a great day tomorrow!

Hugs and Great Blessings to All!


Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and find some time to relax. And let's all hope for a pain free New year!!!

YEs, Merry Christmas to all with many thanks for the support and care throughout the year!

