knee replacement | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had a total knee replacement?  What type of pain and swelling should I expect.

I have pain on the inner side of the knee, like a sharp stabbing pain and also on the outerside , there is severe tightness and swelling.  It has been 4 weeks since surgery, and I still cannot bend the knee to 90 degree  on my own. 

Is this something that some one else has experienced ?  should I be considered, the therapist says we are making progress since I have been home, but I;m really getting concerened that my knee will be like this for ever!!

Someone , please , please give me some hope!!!!


My hubby had knee replacement surgery Nov 27 2006. It has been just over 7 weeks and he has a lot of pain (keeps him awake at night) and swelling that is affecting how far he can move his leg. He currently reached 90 degrees two days ago on his own.

He has so much pain and the swelling is of concern. The doctor said since he had previous knee surgery - 25 that limited his leg movement - he had a lot of scar tissue. During surgery - he had to cut and force his leg to full movement - and this took extra time. His knee surgery replacement took 4 hours.

When my hubby asked about pain and swelling, the doctor said he estimates my hubby is half way thru his recovery. His recovery is going to take longer because of the extensive work during surgery and his need to build more muscle in leg (which was missing before surgery).

Hubby goes to therapy three days a week - one hour each time. Plus he does his own exercises, with ankle weighs, each day.

I was hoping also to hear from others who have had similar surgery.SusieQ39099.7464467593Sorry to hear that you are having such pain since the surgery, I had my right knee replaced last April 19th.--how long since your surgery?? I can remember having some pain and swelling--but keeping ice on it as much as possible (especially after surgery). Can't say as I remember the stabbing pain that you describe tho.

If it helps--things do get better although when you are in the middle of it with therapy and all sometimes it is hard to believe. I was able to go back to work (desk job) 5 weeks from surgery date--hope that things are looking up for you too.

Knee replacement is not for everyone. Once your pain and function are bad enough and you have failed to improve after therapy, medicine, injections -- you ought to talk to your doctor about knee replacement.
It takes about three months to start feeling "normal" again after knee replacement. Some people are faster in recovery and some slower. The body continues to heal for a year or MORE after a knee surgery as big as this.

The important thing is, DONT GET FRUSTRATED. Keep doing therapy, use medication as needed, ice the knee when needed and stay as active as you can. Let pain guide you as to what is "too much"

GOOD LUCKI had a total knee replacement a year and a half ago and yes my recovery was long. I think it all depends on how much damage was done in your knee. In my case it was quite extensive so the pain afterwards was horrible and the recovery long----but definitely worth it! Keep you chin up---it will get better!