need to vent | Arthritis Information


I am so stressed out. I have been off work for almost 3 weeks now hoping I would get better. My hands hurt me so bad and my shoulders. I had a shot of cordisone in my wrist yesterday to see if I would get some relief from tentonistis. I woke up this morning feeling like I got hit by a truck. I just had the 6pack and finished that this morning. I felt good when I was on it but now I feel so bad. I have been fighting this sense august 8. I just don't know what to do with myself. I cry allot of tears and have nights I don't sleep at all. I have tryed MTX both ways and arava and I was allgreic to them both. My sugar is going up from the predisone.

Have you talked to your doctor about one of the biologics: Enbrel, Humira, or Remicaide.  They don't work for everyone, but have helped a lot of people.  I'm on Humira now and it's working very well so far, with very few side effects.


Joan, I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so badly. How long have you been on Plaquenil? My rheumatologist wants me to try that after I finish with the Opthomalogist, get the results from my MRI of hands and blood tests.

I'm wondering if maybe you just started the Plaquenil. I've heard these meds can take up to  3 months to feel any benefit. Also, like Alan said maybe one of the other biologics could be of more help for you. They all work differently for different people. 

I see you are taking Vicodin for pain. Perhaps you need something stronger for pain. Maybe you could tell your Dr. the Vicodin isn't working and see if one of the Opiod Pain meds would help more. I currently use Methadone with Morphine Sulfate IR for breakthru pain and it helps more than just Vicodin did. I have OA, degenerative disc and joint disease, neuropathy and scoliosis, in addition to RA, so my pain never stops completely, but at least it makes it tolerable.

My thoughts and prayers are with you,

Gentle hugs and Blessings,



Nini, You poor thing you have so much more than I. I just have RA I think but you so many. The doctor would put me on something stronger but here I am again allgreic to it all I have to take vicodin 2.5mg thats the smallest he could give me. I am allgreic to 30 drugs so far. and latex to. I wish i had a steal stmoach

Have you tried a parrafin bath for your hands? I just got a new one for Christmas. Anything nice and warm should at least bring you some temporary relief from the pain.

Also, a hot bath or Jacuzzi can ease the pain in the rest of your body. It's all a temporary fix, but a least you get some relief for a while.

I certainly cannot understand a doctor who will not do the tests necessary to determine absolutely what the problem is. I understand the insurance not paying for more "second opinions". Unfortunately, they will only go so far. But I do think the doctor should do whatever it takes to find a way to help you.

I sincerely hope you find some relief soon.

Hugs & Blessings,



Hi Joan - am sorry to hear you are so bad with your RA.
As you have so many allergies I am wondering if you have ever tried an elimination diet to see if that would help.
It does seem to help some people. You will find information on the elimination diet on the net or a health food store would help.
Maybe your doctor could try some other pain medication as hopefully there is something that will help you.
The stress of Christmas does seem to make RA flare so now that it is over it might settle down a little.
Best wishes,Hang in there. Most all of us have been there or are there. It took almost a year to get my pain kinda under control. I cried plenty of tears and many times thought "this isn't living". I used to bounce my hands between my knees with a heater pointed to my knees and hands. I remember when the Dr. raised my prednisone to 20 mg, ooh baby, people thought I looked in so much pain but oh, did I feel so much better. Am now on enbrel, mtx and weaned down to 8mg of prednisone. It takes a long time but your deseases will be figured out in as much as to be controlled. Hang in there, you will get better. I asked the doctor if I could take 20mg of predisone and he said no no no 10mg thats it. I am dealing with my sugar going up and I think he is scared for me. Your right this is no way to live. I never feel hungry at all I losted 12 pounds. When I do eat a meal it comes out the other way


Ask your doctor to send you to an Immunologist if you need a refferal if not find one and make an appointment.  I have a friend on another board that had all these allergies and so her rheumy sent her to John Hopkins where she saw rheumy's and an immunologist - she now has  meds she can take and these docs all talk and keep an eye on her.  Call your insurance company and ask for an appeal to see another rheumy - this one seems to not care or not know what to do.  Always remember the doc works for you not the other way around (BTW it's really none of his business what the tests cost an insurance company - worrying about that is not what you are paying him for!!).  All I can say is ice and heat (which ever works best for the joints) and if all else fails crying in the doctors waiting room usually gets lots of attention and results.