mouth ulcers? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering if anyone here has mouth ulcers unrelated to MTX.  Like the ones that are common in Lupus?  If so, please describe them.  Are they like canker sores?  Are they painful?  I'm not sure what this thing is on the inside of my top lip.


I get 3 at a time sometimes.  All I can suggest is what my RA doc told me and that is to use numbing stuff in the mouth when it hurts and vaginal cream for the other soars to help numb it to stop the pain.

Be sure to ask what your anemia levels are, if you are taking enough folic acid. MTX can cause mouth ulcers (really nasty ones) or they can actually be an infection. These last ones I had seemed to be related to the anemis which is serious. It also can be more mundane things like an infection and not an actual sore.

Doesn't hurt to get it checked out and double check your blood levels and whether you are getting enough folic acid. Eating plain yogurt and upping your folic acid may help. But after what I've been through lately, I'd check it out to make sure nothing more is going on.
