Methotrexate | Arthritis Information



I am newly diagnosed with AS after many, many years of pain.  I am starting Methotrexate today and would especially like to know of any tips for minimizing the side effects of this med.

Thank you~


Teresa; Please stop by the RA section of the forum. We have lots of folks here on MTX....including me!

It's been a really good medication for me for more than 4 years now. I know it sounds scary....but I've had very few problems related to it.

Welcome. Come join us where everyone is. Not everyoen there has RA.....they just hang out where the people are. They're not ignoring you....they just don't know you're here.

I was on it for 2 and a half years.

Main side effects were it made me sick and I couldn't eat, and it mde my hair fall out a little.

Nothing you can do for the hair fall (and its not extreme, it just thins a little). But re the nausea, I'd take the metho just before sleeping so I slept through the sickness. Also, I found it made me feel very dry inside, very thirsty, so drink loads.

And never ever skip taking the folic acid that you'll be given with the metho. Also, you can split the dose. Say if you are on 10mg daily, you can take 5 in the morning and 5 later on or the next day, discuss it with your rheumatologist to get th ebest dosage method for you.
