Twitching | Arthritis Information

Share this big flare thing is realatively new to me, since I haven't flared since I was about 12. I don't remember a lot of things. So I don't know if this is normal or not...but about a month ago my eye started twitching. It was so much that you could actually SEE it. For about a week and a half straight it twitched every 10-15 minutes and for about 3-4 minutes straight. It was REALLY annoying. Now it's down to just kind of hitting me randomly throughout the day. I'd say it twitches at least 50 times a day though. Today, I've got something cheek, right down near my mouth is twitching! It does it right when my eye is done. My jaw is swollen, and has been for a while, and my neck as well. I'm wondering if maybe I've got a pinched nerve somewhere?

The twitching comes and goes, but seems to be stronger and more often when my back starts to hurt and go numb - I've talked about that one before, but never made any connection until now. It only hurts and goes numb across my left shoulder blade.

Maybe I'm just falling apart, I don't know. But 23 seems pretty damn young to be wrestling with all of this garbage. Ugh. Am I crazy? Or does anyone else twitch too?

I have twitched too (my eye only), but mine is generally stress related.  I've never had one flare related.



Not sure why, but my eye twitches constantly now...started when my other symptoms started.  I didn't mention it to the doctor, cause everything else causes pain, this is just an irritation.  Related?  Hhhmm, I wonder. 

I think you definitely should mention it if it continues. If you have some peripheral nerve damage starting then you want to address it right away.

Go get some rest and relaxation. If that doesn't help the situation, then find out some more. You are too smart to not follow your instincts on this.

I hope it goes away and simply becomes a vague memory. But if not, check it out.

Thanks Deanna. It's gotten better for the most part, and I don't really notice it. At least, I didn't until my face started twitching. I'll keep an eye on it - HAHA. The only other thing about me lately is that I want nothing more than to sleep for 12-15-20 hours. Whatever I can. I just don't want to be awake...lolKatie, this is just a thought but this may be something to check into.
How is your calcium level? Have you had it checked lately? Ask your
doctor about this as it could be an electrolyte disturbance. It is most
likely stress related but I know that muscle cramps, twiches can be due to
a low calcium level. Keep us posted.Flares make you like that. You still have to take care of yourself. Feel better soon.Well, I got curious and went and read about it. It did not say anything
about calcium problems but it did mention about fatigue and stress as
being a cause. You should see a doctor to make sure it is not a
neurological problem if it does not clear up.

Calcium.........hmmm.........I recently found out I am lactose intollerant, and so no more milk, ice cream, or cheese for me! :( That used to be a HUGE part of my diet as well. If I could go to a doctor, I would ask..... :( You say it could be an electrolyte disturbance, you mean the stuff that's in Gatorade? Because I can drink me some I LOVE that stuff. Lately I've been a water addict. Going through at least 48oz a day. My diet has been a lot of Spaghetti-os, soups, Pizza(which I pay for later from eating the, Veggie dishes, and PBJs, with some other random meals thrown in the mix. Not the best diet, I know, but it's all I'm interested in for now. What do you think? Gatorade?

I had similar problems with the twitching. Now I eat a banana each day and it seems to have dissipated, that may be related or not, dunno.

I forget what my eye Dr. had mentioned about the eye twitching, sorry......I do know that it was not anything to major, but you still need to get it checked asap. You never know what might be really serious then youwould really be upset knowing you could have done something about it.

Keep us posted!


My eye and cheek twitch as well but so does the rest of my body.  Doc called them mini/micro seizures, lol.  I am using Lyrica which helped for a while but now only nominal results.

I was just at the doctor yesterday and mentioned that my cheek and eye have been twitching soooo much lately. She immediately said it was stress. She even said anytime your face is twitching, it's stress.

Yeah, I'm stressed, depressed and all the rest, so that made sense.

Hi Katie, I have a lot of twitching too, but only occassionally my eye or face. Usually, it's my hands or legs/feet.

I have to take 4 - 20MEQ (whatever MEQ is) potassium pills, in addition to all my other meds. Hypokalemia (low potassium) can really cause a lot of problems. Do you also get any cramps or charley horses in any of your muscles? Like calf muscles or hands or fingers?

But I wouldn't add giant potassium pills like mine, without a doctor checking your blood. Just eat bananas. Too much potassium can be just as bad as too little.

Why can't you go to the doctor? If it's none of my business, just say so

Take care, Sweetie

Hugs & Blessings,



I don't have health insurance. It sucks. I don't get charley horses or anything. But lately I do feel like I'm fighting my hand muscles to do what they're supposed to. But that could just be a flare. Oh well..

Katie, that does sound like a flare. You just have to find a way to get some health care going. Call your county hospital or your state department of health and see if they know of a way you can do it.

You have such a great spirit. I hate the thought of you getting more ill and suffering when you shouldn't have to be especially when you've already lived a lifetime with JRA.

You're worth the care. Besides, I've grown rather fond of you. You remind me of my kids who are about my age, but you are so much more grown up.

Yeah, I live in FL......this state sucks. I'm too young for them to care about. I'm patiently waiting for open enrollment at work. I hope I can afford it. I'm getting new weird feelings every day. You know around my knees and wrists, it feels like my skin is going to fall off? Weird, eh?

I remind you of your kids. Hehehe. Quit telling your age. :-P
Hi Katie - just to add my 2 cents worth I have read that magnesium deficiency causes twitching. Potassium & magnesium are related so Jode's comment about a banana
a day may help - hope so.
Best wishes,You know, I already knew that about potassium and magnesium, and I've preached it before. Haha For some reason I just didn't make the link for me. I'll give it a shot. :)

Yes being tired and stress can cause it but so can the inflammation itself.

I remember at age 15 at disneyland in California, i was so excited my lip twitched all day long lol.

Anway, i twitch all the time but not from the stress.  Inflammation presses on body parts, nerves etc. that can make you twich.  I get hands, arms, knees, leg, eye and lip twitches that come and go.

It's normal.

My favorite is the lip one, my husband and i laughed for days on that cuz it lasted that long.  I looked like Elvis lol.

Hi Katie!
  I have twitches too....  Maybe it is due to stress, since we all know how much you love your job!!  Seriously.....  concentrate on getting some kind of insurance, that will help the stress factor.  Have a wonderful night tonight and make your New Years resolution that you will keep us all in 'stitches.....twitchy stitches! 
