Off Prednisone | Arthritis Information


I had to go off of prednisone for a surgery that I just had and it has been about a month since that surgery and when I go out people keep saying that it looks like I have lost weight. I wish that were so, but in reality it just from being off of the prednisone and getting rid of all that puffiness! I also have a love/hate relationship with prednisone-I love to hate it

It's such a shame that a drug that helps so much has so many awful side effects
hi everyone. i used to come here often, and when i search the site it wasnt available until i finally had the chance to get connected now. ive been taking preds. for like 7yrs. already. i had remission last yr, i thought it was the end of me. my meds. doesnt seem to work anymore. been taking preds(5mg) for like 7yrs. together w/ plaquenil n celebrex. if i dont take celbrex, i would have pain all over. the only thing that is really visible w/c is the effect on taking preds. is my wieght and i really hate it. my family blamed me for eating too much and i keep telling them im on steroids, but still they remind me not to eat too much. they couldnt seem to understand my situation and i have to xplain to them the effects of the meds. i take. my rheumy been telling me to try enbrel and she said i need to change meds. already but my family just ignore it.
sometimes, when i have pain, id jsut keep it to myself not tell anyonr but when its really bad, i'd just cry or my mood would really be affected. i'd fight everyone in the household. so much for that. anyway, im glad to know that there are people like me who are also experiencing this kind of ordeal,it makes me think im not alone in this world after all . i wish you well. take care. Prednisone helped me put on a ton of weight, but I felt great!! No rashes! No sores!  No swelling! I have to confess that when I first started experiencing the joint pain and rashes, I thought it was something that would go away.  I kept eating like I was running everyday.  Now, I really need to get that weight off!!!!  I've had to get both ankles reconstructed and my knees aren't far behind.  Haas anyone weened off prednisone. I am going to try to do so. Please advise....

Hi June. I have been on and off prednisone many times during the last 20 years. You have to come off the pred slowly and then you won't have problems. You will probably notice your symptoms have increased slightly, but that should subside fairly quickly.I love how pred makes my arthritis feel so much better so quickly, but I don't like what it does to me. I put on weight everytime I take it. I really have to get some of the weight off, but its not easy. I also have had Cushings Syndrome 2 times. Believe me a Buffalo Hump sucks.

You need to reduce your pred exactly like the doctor says.  Reducing by .5 to 1 mg per 1-2 weeks. 

You may find that you have flares during this time, and need to bump your pred. back up.  It is a slow race, but make it a steady one (keep trying) and eventually your body will get used to it.

I went up and down a few times, and then finally, this last time I was coming down, we took it really slowly, giving my body about a month to get used to each new lowered dosage.  Now I am totally off!

The longer you are on Prednisone, the slower you need to wean.  It will take a long time, but keep it up, and you will succeed!
