swelling vs. inflammation | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone,

I've been mulling over my lab results from the lab work done mid-May.  No sign of inflammation according to the labs, yet my fingers, toes, and knees are swollen to about twice their normal size.  I can't hold a pen, and shoes are torture, any shoes!

I'm feeling really stupid here, but what's the difference between swelling and inflammation?  Should I be worried about something else going on besides just the RA?  The swelling is accompanied by pain, bad pain, and stiffness.  Some say fibro (which I also have) can cause this.  Any opinions on that?  The swelling and pain seem to be more intense every day, and I'm beginning to experience limitations. 

I have another appt. with my rheumy next month, and intend to ask her about it, but I just wanted to get some insight.

Thanks for your help.



Labs aren't allways going to exactly parellel how you feel.Hi Cris,

All I can say is that when I was diagnosed I had a positive RF and neg sed rate.  The first thing my gp said (keep in mind I could not walk well at that time because my hips hurt so much) was "I can't see that your in this much pain, your RF is low positve and sed rate neg". 

The first thing my RD said was "you have a low Pos RF and neg sedrate which is not to say that the pain you are having is not significant."
He  went on to say that he has seen every severity in people with both pos and neg blood.

Try not to fret over the blood results, I have read so many posts here of people who are neg and far worse that I, that I know there does not appear to be rhyme or reason to it.

Speaking of labwork I'm late suppose to have bloodwork at 10:00
Yikes!! gotta run.

Take care Cris,

Cris, It seems the symptoms for RA, fibro, chronic fatigue, seem to overlap a bit. I'm not sure the difference between swollen or inflammed. To me, they are the same. Good question. I'll be anxious to hear other responses. I hope you are having a good day. love, juliah (remember, He'll move mountains for you)

hehe, thanks Juliah.

And thanks guys.  I guess I've been in somewhat of a state of denial lately (even though I was dx in Nov. of '99).  I realize that bloodwork doesn't always show what's going on.  But sometimes I wonder how they actually dx RA if the blood work isn't indicative of your condition.  I guess my current miserable state has my mind working overtime.

When I was first dx, my labs were all positive.  Elevated everything. But now, I feel MUCH worse than when first dx, and labs are all normal.  Makes NO sense to me.

I guess I'll just make a list and talk to the rheumy about all of my concerns.  Thanks for the input.



Don't feel bad Cris, I am very new to all of this and I don't know squat!!!!!

Have a great day, and defintely talk to your RD about your concerns.

Cris, i'd say what the labs meant by no inflammation was that there was no sign of the Synovial lining on the muscles being attacked. Apparently this causes the cells to release destructive enzymes which the Labs would pick up on. This happens in advanced RA. That they havent found any of this is a good thing!!!!

And your right about the bloodwork, my bloods chop and change so much it gets highly confusing.

My labs hardly ever show inflammation even when I'm clearly swollen.  So, don't feel alone :)


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