HAHAHA! What a Joke! | Arthritis Information


I was watching SFU, and then it went to commercial.... the commercial was for a product called My Lil' Reminder.... been seeing this commercial for a week straight now and did not pay it much attention, until tonight.

It said "Do you have trouble remembering things?"

Well... I was thinking "Sure I do." Then I thought... "What if I misplace or lose the darn thing?! That would be no better than me forgetting something." I mean the thing is no bigger than a business card, heck I misplace or lose my hair brush or even my glasses and they are biggers than a business card!!

Yeah... no wonder why I do not like commercials. I wish they were banned from public tv LOL  oh wait I forgot that is what tivo is for, too bad I do not have one

Ok I am literally a freak LOL

I think it hooks onto your key chain. Not that I'd want something else bogging down my already huge key chain.....but that's something I rarely loose.

Knock on wood.


I like the commercial with the SUV at the bridge with the OGRE. That commercial is so funny.I love the geico commercials with the caveman. makes me laughI miss the ones with the gecko.....those were my favorites!! I haevn't been able to forgive the caveman for replacing him!

Oh... I SO envy that darn ole caveman! He can walk forwards & backwards on the moving sidewalks in the airport and not even fall and break his elbow... GRRRrrrr!!!

Lovie - I do not have a keychain, nor keys too carry
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