Hair Loss | Arthritis Information


Zzoi posted several articles in our new section for useful links; but I'm not sure how much exposure our new section is getting. I wanted to paste the above link for some of you who are concerned with hair loss.

Many of you have contributed MTX to your hair loss but the link above raises other questions. They mention anti-inflammatories such as Celebrex could be a cause.

Just something to think about.


Very interesting, thank you for sharingI had hair thinning with MTX.    I'm not talking about alopecia where all your  hair comes out and you have bald spots.  Not on that  drug anymore and just went thru another "thinning" period.  I'm 50 and 1/4 Cherokee Indian so I've always had thick dark hair.  My hair got so thin, I cut it in a short, sassy 'do about an inch long.  The thinning is more noticable if you have longer hair.  Personally, I think it may just be the disease as opposed to the meds 'cause  I've been on just about everything out there and my hair has not been the same since my diagnosis.  Rather be semi pain free than  thick haired nowdays!I am positive that I have hair thinning due to RA.  I decided about 6 years ago, why fight it...  So, this is what I did to my hair:

Wish I looked that beautiful with my hair that short, would do it in a second.....good for you!
i experience quite a bit of hair loss, I figured it was due to my PCOS but i never thought celebrex would do it! wow! interesting..
Aww, you never know until you give it a try.  I was afraid my head would be all knotty and scared.  I just bought a couple of hats to wear for the summer, just in case.  LOL  But, it turns out I mostly like it.  And even the days when I don't, at least I don't have to do my hair!

Thanks for the nice comments!

6xmum...You are a beautiful Lady without hair; and a brave one at that!!


Thanks, Lovie! Probably more lazy than brave 

I just recently got mine cut shorter...and more layers to thin it out some; so I know what you mean. Fixing my hair in the mornings is just about exhasting!! And just forget it if my shoulders are acting up.

I think I'll hold on to mine as long as I can though...somehow I feel like this bushy hair distracts from my pudgy face!! (Could me all in my imagination though


6xmum,  If I was as gorgeous as you, I would have shaved my head a long time ago.......:  )  I don't wear make up or primp whatsoever, but I do like the hair...........;  (  Hope I keep it.  Awww, Roxy, you're making me  My hair thinned greatly while on MTX!  I was given 2 mg of Folic Acid a day and that did help a lot! msojro38519.6012268519

6xmum you do look wonderful!!!!

not all of us could look that good!!!!  Mtx is the problem for my hair loss on top.  I do not take Celebrex.  I had my hair cut very short and have had a body perm done to it and it looks really good now.       Roxy I very rarely wear make up either and now with the perm I just pick it out and go.         meme

meme38519.6163541667Thanks, Meme!  You should see me with a perm, I look like I have a reddish brown brillo pad on my head  6xmum-You have such a pretty face to go with the no hair.I don't think I would get away with that.My checks are so fat from the prednisone that it isn't funny.but you look beautiful,and like they said BRAVE.All i have to say is you go girl  Thanks, Sherry.  Prednisone had that same chubby cheek effect on me, so I feel your pain!  Will you be staying on it or is it just a stopgap?


You remind me of my daughter when she was undergoing treatment for cancer. Both times she shaved off all of her hair and didn't wear a wig, just hats. I thought she looked great! You look great too! Definitely cooler for Summer, but you have to be careful of sunburn.

BarbOh yeah!  Sunburn is definitely an issue.  Nothing is as unappealing as a peeling (no pun intended) scalp!  I just put on some 40 block. 

Thanks for the compliment, Barb!


RD says he will keep weaning me off pednisone,but says it will probably take a yr in all to get away from it,Here's hoping for smaller checks(I guess that goes for both ends ha! ha!  sherry

Wow!  That's a long time for weaning, but you have to do what works.  I'm with you on hoping for the smaller cheeks on the back end ;)
