PMR is bad - prednisone is bearable for m | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone!
Many posts are about "this dreadful drug" or something similar. In my opinion, it is PMR that is bad. In order to be well I use a drug with side effects, but in my opinion, the side effects are bearable in comparison with what it would have been like without prednisone. On June 24, 2005 I and my wife participated in the 50th reunion of high school in a small Minnesota town. I had to cover the white bandage from the biopsy I had on June 19 to be diagnosed for temporal arhritis with surgical tape (for the class photo mostly). On July 4, we were in Sacramento, Calif and wanted to participate in the celebration of July 4th downtown. Our motel, according to the pamphlet, was "near downtown" so we thought we would walk there in order to be able to have a drink to celebrate. Well, it proved that downtown was 24 blocks away. Evidently, near downtown meant by car. Due to my high dose of prednisone I gladly walked the 24 blocks back and forth. My wife, who normally can walk very easily, was very tired after having reached downtown. After some time back home, my face got puffy, but it has disappeared when the dose got lower.

Thanks to prednisone, I have been able to lead a fairly normal life and I am now down on 5 mg after having been down to 2.5 mg but had to go back. To-day I walked to the nearest store about 20 minutes away and then back without any problem. I am now 69. It is just when it is uphill that I have to take a break. I take Calcichew D 3 or similar with citrus taste, so it doesnīt bother me.

For me prednisone is bearable in order to get rid of my PMR. Luckily, I donīt have any pain which I understand bothers most of you.

Letīs all hope we get rid of the PMR in 2007!


you know Ragnar, you are right, without the prednizone we would not be able to do what we do. and yet we b and m about the drug, ( I am guilty of that) God Bless you, you sound like you are doing pretty good. I would never be able to walk to the store 20 minutes away, and I am your age.
I am currently on 10 mg, trying to lower the dose but am in the middle of a flare, will see my Dr. tomorrow to see what he says, am currently being plagued by lower back pain, which is quite debilitating, which I also plan on mentioning to Dr. tomorrow.............Good Luck to you............

Hi Swede!  Most of us have a love hate relationship with prednisone.  I gripe all the time, but could not even get out of bed without it.  I'm grateful for it but still call it the drug from hell.  Sounds like you're doing great.  That's good news.  Have a great evening.

Hi Ragnar

I'm in the hate category as my body reacts badly but without the drug I would not be able to walk. I can't walk very well even on pred but I can go to work and function almost normally. I just wish I could get to a lower dosage. (Talk about impatient!)

So glad to hear you are not in pain - that's what I'm aiming for too.

Take care

Judi xx

Hi again Ragnar,

   Was just wondering, you said in one of your posts  that you are not in pain.   What is your symptom of PMR?  Do you have the weakness and the fatigue?

