There is a purpose to this forum | Arthritis Information


I know when I come hear, I am looking for support. And, I also am looking to find ways to help others who have not had this illness as long as me. It really helps me to help someone else.

I've made really good friends through this forum. It hurts though when comments are made in a mean fashion for whatever reason.

The people who need us most are the newcomers that are suffering and lost as where to find the information they need.

This forum does seem to mostly focus on RA issues. Once and awhile though we like to get off topic. It's like a coffee break for us to get off our pain and fatigue.

There are forums out there that meet different needs. But this one comes up the most in the search engines. It's like the first door people enter.

Because there has been such negative comments, especially regarding spammer, we have lost people to other forums who were great contributors. We have tried contacting the owners of this forum for some help, but there seems to be no one to contact.

Unfortunately, it is what it is. In response to this, a group of good people started what they call a sister site at rasushi. They even list all the other forums that they know about at that site so that people can use it as a gateway to more information. They have divided up categories that allow you to pick and choose what topics you would like to participate in. Some are serious and some are just fun. They also created a blog to share more information with dealing with RA.

The other forums also have some similar formats. Some are more fun and some are more serious. They each have their virtues.

I stay here because I know that new people are coming that are desperate for some answers about this devastating illness. I also visit the other forums if I am able to so that I can see how friends that have moved are doing.

We are all tired on this forum and in pain. Maybe our tempers get short. But there are issues that are important to us. We just have to remember to have some decent manners.

We are here to care about each other, not bonk each other on the head.

Well put. The more bonking that goes on, the more I skip this forum and go over to RASushi.

I agree that newcomers need support from the more experienced. But when the waves of Uproar become standard fare over here instead of an occasional distraction, it's just too much of an energy drain when our energy is too precious, and it's also boring.

I hope things get back to the more usual respectful, mature tone (and I don't mean not-fun). But it doesn't matter so much too me since there are other good options now.

Had a chuckle over this one as here in Australia "bonking" also refers to what young people do when their parents aren't around. Ah! memories! But as I said in another post, I agree with the thoughts expressed.

I am a member of this forum and of RASushi.  I am an admin and co creator of Sushi.  I belong to both forums because I have the belief that information regarding this awful disease should be shared and that people should have options of which forum board is suitable for them.  Deanna, I would like to thank you on your compliment about Sushi.  You always seem to hit the nail on the head and said exactly what I was going to say.  You are a wonderful writer, a knowledgeable person, and I am glad to be part of a forum where you are so I can read the information that you share with all of us. 

There are newcomers to this site and to Sushi everyday.  We should all make them feel comfortable and try to answer their questions as best as possible.  Yes, sometimes we do get off topic, but man, sometimes ya just need a break from all the serious stuff.  Husbands, wives, children, and our pets are a part of lives and they help us to deal with RA everyday.  So sometimes we do tend to talk about them.  They are important to us.  Without my family and my four legged family, I would be much more nuts than I already am lol.  I wouldn't be able to deal with this disease half as well as I am if weren't for them.  And I have found newcomers have many questions about their spouses and what they will go thru too. 

Regarding all the bashing going on here lately.  This has got to be scaring the new people that are just diagnosed and looking for help.  We all need to agree to disagree.  I have found in life that personal attacks such as the ones going on lately stem from a person not feeling good about themselves and they have the need to make everyone else around them feel just as bad as they do so they aren't the only ones feeling bad.  Don't stoop to that level.  Just ignore the bashing.  Or use kindness and understanding.  That always seems to stop nastiness in it's tracks.  We are from all different walks of life, ways of life, and thoughts about life.  Isn't that great tho!  If we were all the same it would be a pretty boring world.  I enjoy mature non bashing conversations about what is going on in the world around and anything to do with RA.  Opinions can be stated without the bashing and things just may be learned.  Don't take our freedom of speech for granted at anytime.  Thankfully we have it and the opportunity to use it everyday.  Without it, I wouldn't know half of what I do about RA because I learned a lot of it from this forum and the people that visit and post here. 


Thanks Deanna!

I'm obviously a new person who came here for someone to talk to that "gets it".  I've learned a lot already and appreciate this forum.

In my opinion, anyone can choose not to feed the fire when it comes to people spamming or being obnoxious.  Rather than keep that kind of post going, perhaps people should just not read it, or not react to it.  Sometimes the people being obnoxious, etc., are just looking for the attention and they're getting it.  It doesn't matter if it's negative.  It's like a small child tossing a fit, if you ignore the fit ends rather quickly.  Anyway, no one needs to agree, it's just my opinion.  I pick and choose what I'll read, and if something is smack talk (which I agree is boring) I just move on......


"It is what it is"  I always remember that about this forum and don't get too excited about spammers.  I have more important ways to use my energy and time than respond to spam.  If they didn't get any responses they wouldm't post and the thread would get buried.  I don't understand the need to respond. I responded to the one regarding the heating pad because I know that it works.  I have one.  I've tried not to respond to the others.


Well my 2 cents.  I post mostly on another board but come here to get more info.  I am another one that figures if you don't respond to the bull spam it goes away.  I was totally interested in the heating pad post and frankly didn't consider it spam but maybe it was informational spam.  Okay sorry rambling a bit again.  I don't need anyone to tell me what spam is - I use my own common sense to figure that out - I also don't reply to it (okay try hard not to) and have never understood why anyone does.  It is so simple if you don't like it - don't answer it!!  It's not cute to reply in an angry - hateful - sarcastic manner - it is childish.  You want to take control of the spammers on this board??  Then don't reply to their posts.  If someone is interested in something some one is trying to sell - give away - whatever, and they reply or ask questions does not mean you have to bash them - let it go - grit your teeth - unless of course someone asks for an opinion.  Or maybe to warn the newbies one person could reply with one word "SPAM" then let it go.  There are no moderators here so we should moderate ourselves.  Me??  I don't pay much attention to your replies to the spam posts (unless I'm bored and/or want a laugh), but it probably makes some new people uncomfortable because it can sure get out of control with a lot of hurtful things said.  So my advice is be nice, be fun, be informational (not confrontational).  There is a lot of good advice, experience, and info here.  Hugs and good vibes.        