I Give Up! | Arthritis Information


I used to really like this message board, I could come here and find comfort and support and it was a great place to vent. I could even find things to laugh about and people to laugh with but all of that has changed. Seems like now everybody just wants to fight and can't seem to be happy unless they are attacking someone new who posts. It makes me afraid to post for fear I will say something wrong. I don't know what happened to you guys, this used to be a great web site, but not anymore. I kept hanging out thinking it would get better but from what I am seeing it is just getting worse. I give up. jamieI'm so sorry you feel that way :( It's very hard to keep everyone under control on such a busy board. Such is life, I suppose. You deserve support though. I would encourage you to do a google search for another forum that suits you. Everyone needs to talk sometimes, especially when you're dealing with this disease. I can't change your mind, I know. But please don't give up hope that there ARE people out there who want to listen to you and help. I hope you find what you're looking for!

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Rheumatoid+Arthriti s+Forums&btnG=Google+Search

"Everyone just wants to fight"??  I don't see that at all.  In fact, what I see is a bunch of wonderful people that always are reaching out to help others.  There are always going to be people that get angry.  There's no way around it.  But I find that there are WAY more decent caring people here than not.

Like I said in the "SPAM" thread....skip that posts that upset you....just read the ones that interest you...it's really very simple.

Hang in there...give us another chance.  you will love this board, i promise.


I'm with Phatgirl. A little spice in the forum is good-livens things up. I understand a lot of people here are suffering pretty badly and sometimes you need a little distraction. You need to know there's more to us than this disease.

Also you learn a lot about people when they express their views on other things. You find out where they're coming from.I agree, that is the beauty of it. I am getting to be friends with different people whom I might never have made a connection with otherwise. And, I think so much of the people here. Differences are what makes the world beautiful.

country girl

I think this forum is like a big family. We scaubble and even feud sometimes, but still care. Please forgive us. There will be laughter and love again. 

Girl; you ain't seen noting!! This board has been peaceful lately. I've been around quite a while and trust me.....things could be a lot worse.

I personally enjoy it from time to time; and on the times I don't enjoy it.....I skip it. It doesn't take much to skip a thread; or click back a few pages when you read something that offends you.

Trust me....you won't be the first one to be offended and leave us and I'm certain you won't be the last. I wish you the best and hope you find a place that will be much more to your liking and a place where everything is sunshine all the time. When you find that place....you might want to come back and let other's know about it because there is often many offended by what they find offensive here.

P.S. This is the second post I've read recently that refers to the fighting here. Did I miss something? I've been busy lately I know.....but I haven't seen anything. Clue me in.

It's been about spamming and the war topic mostly. Big differences of opinions not always addressed in the friendliest of terms. But really, compared to other things, it has been mild. I think the problem was that there were not many topics to choose from so those got read the most.

Maybe the answer is more people posting who are a bit shy. Come on, don't let me get away with hogging the board.

Country girl,

Hang in there - don't give up!

Remember that there are lots of members here - many of us just post occasionally and belong to other boards too.  Some of us belonged to this board some years ago when it was closely monitored, had only ads that were scrutinised, and lots more folk posted.  Yet, even then there were folk that upset others - it happens in big groups - whether families, at school, at work, in the neighbourhood;  the things I'm interested in, I read, other topics I just flick over.

Please stick around - and I hope we give out help and ((cyber hugs)) when needed.



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