I feel soo sick | Arthritis Information


Prepping for a colonoscopy is horrible.  Prepping for this small bowel barium followthrough has been as bad or worse.  I feel soo nauseous and really empty, literally.I can't stop dry reaching.  I will be so glad to have it overwith tomorrow, but it won't be until at least 1pm.  Apparently its a 3 hour test and I go to the x-ray place at 10.  Great way to start off the new year.  One more test.  Oh yeah and my mtx blood work.

Sometimes I just get so tired of the merry-go-round.  I want off.  I doubt this followthrough will show anything.  Why am I anemic?  Why am I so tired? Why do I have RA?  Why do I have IBS?  Are they all connected?  Is it the meds?  Is it the RA meds?  Is it the other meds for other things?  Is it something I'm eating? 

The questions just go on and on and on.  There don't seem to be any answers.  Sometimes I just don't think I have the energy to get up and live each day.  I just want to sleep.  Is it the anemia.  Is it the depression.  Do I need a higher dose of antidepressant.  Its just a viscious circle. 

I just want to go vomit but theres nothing there.  If I go to bed I'll just have to get up again to go to the loo.  I spend too much time in there on a normal day, taking laxatives when you have chronic diarrhea just seems a bit much to me.  My sister in law bought my husband a FAR SIDE  daily calendar for Christmas. I'm thinking of papering one of the walls in the loo.  That way at least there would be something funny to read.

Sorry for my b****ing.  I've just had enough tonight.

Thanks for bothering to read.

Ack, I hate those tests.  I too, have ibs with chronic diarrhea, no fun at all.  Have you ever checked out www.eatingforibs.com?  There is a support board there as well as diet guidelines.

I understand the being so tired and just wanting to go to sleep.  I have been in a major bout of depression lately as well.  I feel like I am at my wits end, that I just can't possibly deal with one more thing, no matter how trivial. 

Please update us on how the tests go!  Love and hugs

Oh Pammy, you sound so miserable.  

Pammy, I'm glad you came here to tell how you're feeling. You shouldn't be alone when you are in such misery. I hate those tests too. IBS and RA are related. I had terrible problems with IBS before having RA. It even forced me to quit working. Ever since I started getting treated for RA, my IBS has been under better control. Or, maybe it is that I've finally learned what most of my triggers were.

And, it seems to me that GI doctors love to poke around, but never give you information with how to deal with it afterwards. "Oh, that's what you have. We won't worry now."

Unfortunately, you are stuck with all the symptoms.

As far as you anemia goes, ask for a referral to a Hematologist. They need to find out whether it is the RA, the methotrexate or something else causing it. Hopefully, it's not anything in your bowels. But if it is, they can fix it on the spot if it's not too serious.

It's awfully hard to overcome feelings of depression when you are so sick.

I hope it goes well. I really feel for you. I've been where you are and it's really unpleasant.

Good luck.

Oh hunny :( I'm so sorry. For future knowledge, if you're every suffering terribly from the IBS, and they make you do the contrast with x-rays..well, just say no. Make them do contrast with an ultra sound. They get much better pictures that way, but don't like to tell you that, because it costs them more. Sometimes with the x-rays they don't even SEE ANYTHING. They did that to Justin for five MONTHS before we got an honest doctor willing to do an ultra sound. Low and behold he was "just in a flare" wish we'd have known that 5 months ago. (He has Crohn's, quite similar to IBS) I wish you luck!

I have a good friend who suffered for many years with Crohns before the biologics were available. He found a high daily dosage of fiber to be the key to having a nearly normal life. Just be sure to pick one the does not cause you gas.

My favorite is Fiber Choice because it is a chewable tablet. You don't have to wash it down with lots of water - there is no risk of choking - it won't swell up in your throat.

Hope you feel better soon.

Pammy, how miserable! When this is over you deserve whatever treat, breakdown, or both your heart desires. I had no idea the prep for that could be so bad. My husband doesn't have much trouble with them, but he doesn't have IBS either.

Katie, I had no idea there was a difference in xray and ultrasound. With the ultrasound, do you still do a prep but it's not as bad?

Oh Pammy a big hug for you!!  I am sorry that you are going thru all of this.  I hope things get better for you soon!

Thanks so much everyone for your love and good wishes.   It's over!!!

The gunk you have to drink is vile and I kept gagging it down.  Sort of like drinking an unflavoured bottle of pepto bismol only thicker.

I the tech warned me that the barium might constipate me...lol, with diarrhea everyday a bit of constipation sounds good to me. 

Hillhoney a sleep in front of the air conditioner would be more appropriate today, its about 34c out.  But sleep I did and now I feel better, if a bit hot and sweaty.

Deanna I have started seeing a hematologist.  Just before Christmas I had a bone marrow biopsy.  Nothing sinister, just no iron.  He have me an iron infusion a couple of days before Christmas and I have to see him again at the end of the month for more blood work and probably another iron infusion as he said he gave me about a fifth of what I need.  We'll keep looking for reasons.

I get the results next week, so I'll keep you all posted.

Thanks again

RK - there is. I had no idea either. But you have to think about it, an x-ray is flat. An ultra sound has dimension to it. I would have never known had that doc not told us!

Pammy, so glad it is over for you. The prep is so disgusting and so much worse when you have IBS.

Glad you are seeing a hematologist already. Wish they'd get me into one soon.

Rough times.

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