How Do I Know? | Arthritis Information


I know I am not supposed to take my Humira shot if I have a cold/flu/or sore but how do I know if it is a side effect or an actual cold. I have had a runny nose and eyes watering for over a week. I don't know if it's from the side effects of humira, if it's a cold, or if it's my allergies. I have a sore in my nose and it hurts to wipe my nose that keeps on dripping. I have been taking benedryl on the day of my injection and for a few days after because I break out in a rash and itch all over.My next shot should be on Friday. I don't know if I should take it. I think it has been helping somewhat but don't know cuz' all I 've been doing is sleeping from taking the benedry. I appreciate any response from the pros out there. thanks


My rheumy said to err on the side of caution - if you think you might be sick, or getting sick, don't take it.

Sounds to me (I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV

What did your rheumy say about your hives?

I've gotten to where I don't freak out over every sniffy nose or cough. If it's to the point where I'll see my GP (Granted I see my GP sooner now than I did years ago) I'll let her make the call.

Humira and MTX will slow the healing process. SO; if it's a cold that's close to infection it will likely turn into a more serious infection if you proceed with your injection. Course you want to avoid that; but I've kind of learned that skipping my dose causes me more problems than going ahead with my injections 9 times out of 10.

Eventually you'll learn to spot an infection quicker....but that just comes with experience. Don't count on a fever showing you though. I never run a fever.....even when I was clsoe to pneumonia; so don't wait on a fever before you see your doctor. My GP told me that my meds suppress a fever (In my case....not all) so we have to learn to look for other signs. She's good to prescribe things quicker than she would for other people as well considering my meds. Not all doctors will do that.....but she knows I wouldn't be there if I didn't think it was nessesary.

Good Luck. I know that's not really a lot of help.

Call your rhuemy and see if you can get in. Or even your GP. I did that when I first started Enbrel until I had a little more experience with the drug. Like Lovie, I have learned I can go ahead even if I have a mild cold.

I am worried about the itchy reaction... I am not so sure you have a bug - I think you might be allergic.

Thanks for your replies.  I am allergic to just about everything. That was why my rheumy told me to take benedryl the day of my shot and for a few days after. He also gave me a script for predisone (if needed, but i hate that stuff and haven't filled it.)  I always thought if you blew your nose and it was clear that it wasn't an infection. If it's green or yellow (ewwww I know) then it's maybe a infection.

I am going to call my rheumy tomorrow and see what he says. I appreciate your info.
