The Shot! | Arthritis Information


I got my humira this morning!  I gave it to myself in the stomach and it was not bad at all.  I followed all the advice and only felt a tiny bit of burning.  I just took my time and a huge sigh of relief when it was over.  It's like instant headache  from all the drama, waiting and wondering if you can do it and what it feels like.  So I thank you all for your support and advice.  I called Humira to ask one question about if you happened to draw blood back in the syringe do you really have to discard the whole thing.  You know what her answer was?  That's a good question, then I said is there a chance that it will all pool like underneath  my skin and she had no idea about that.  I told her never mind I will find out myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Do you guy's have an answer to those questions? It is sure nice to know that the people who take care of us and give us medicine are so informative.  Anything that i have done is because I did it not any of them!  What a joke, and they make all the money.  I could do as good of a job.Way to go Franny!!!!! The first one is always the hardest.  Glad you did it, it's all uphill from here.  I found Humira to be a wonder drug, even though I've only been on it short time.  I can make a fist, I haven't been able to close all my fingers for over a year.

Good for you, Franny!  I thought about you all day today. 

If you draw a little blood back into the syringe, it's not a huge deal.  It only means you've hit a little vein.  Just pull the needle out just a microscopic distance and continue to slowly push the meds in.  When you pull the needle out, you might also get some drops of blood.  Also no big deal.  Just be ready with a dry, sterile cotton ball or piece of gauze to press against the droplet.  Don't make the mistake of using an alcohol wipe - you'll find out why when you're stinging and cursing. 

Surprised you didn't get a good answer from Humira.  Don't they have a nurse who they refer you to that is supposed to help?  Did you speak to a nurse?  Maybe she was just new (or stupid.)  I've always felt better when speaking to those folks.

Speaking of my PM, did you get it?  I never heard from you via email. 



Way to go Franny!!!

My husband and I went to my doctors office and my RD nurse coached my husband. She told us there wasn't any need to draw back on the needle once it was in. Not sure if anyone else has gotten that same advice; but drawing back on it once it was in freaks me out!!

I'm a little gun shy when it comes to the entire thing anyway though.

We didn't find the Humira hotline too helpful either. We felt more comfortable getting first hand advice from the nurse.

Hope you see results quickly Fran; don't get discouraged if it takes a little while. It took about 3 months for me...and that was with MTX as well. We're all different though.

Good Luck!! We're real proud of you.


I did get your personal message and I sent you my email address.  To answer your question about Humira, it was a special line for new users and how to inject it.  So I think she was just stupid.  You know I did not have any blood at all, not a drop. Thanks for answering my questions.  I have tried for day's to find just these answers, so now I wont freak if it happens.  I look forward to any improvement and am so relieved to have something working for my body instead of against it.  That's so sweet you thought of me today.  All my sister's called (4) to see how I did.  They were surprise I did it myself, but it was liberating in a weird way.  I am just happy it has started.  I am also happy to have you guy's care about me and you dont even know me.  How cool is that?  You have a great nite and again thank you so much.

I sent you an email.  I'll send it again.  Don't delete me as spam, OK? 

Take care,



wooohooo franny! way to go!!!! love, juliah

Yayyyyyyy Franny. I KNEW you could do it!!!

To tell the truth I don't withdraw the needle a little bit like I should. Sometimes I just have UGLY bruises lol.. When the Humira takes effect you are going to be soooo thrilled!!

Good work.  Once in a while I do get a pool of medicine under the skin.  But, even when I do it dissipates within an hour.


Way 2 go!!

Hey you guy's thanks for all the support.  You are the best.  I still feel 125 years old also but I am hoping it will change.

Hang in there. I only feel about 80 now!!

