Eat 2 Live program by Dr. Joel Fuhrman? | Arthritis Information


I've read his book, interestingly enough about 2 weeks before I got sick.  His diet has supposedly helped quite a few people with Auto Immune diseases, even RA.

It's basically 90% plant based (beans, greens, legumes, grains) and 10% other.  Low fat (no added fat except possibly olive oil).  I did it a week and a half when I started the Medrol Pack.  I did lose 9 pounds in that time frame (5 of which was the day after I started the Pack, water maybe?).  Then we went on a fishing vacation and old habits crept back in (twizzlers, wine coolers, potato chips... you know, good camping food!


Well, I've decided that my diet is easier to control than pills so I am going to give it a 6 week trial.  June 15th-August 1st.  100%.  I have 12 days now before my appt to see if the diet will get rid of some of the pain I'm having now. 

Here's my secret:  I've been carrying an extra 7-10 pounds since last October, which I put on due to some stress from my FIL being sick/dying.  I WANT to believe that all the joint pain/stupid sausage fingers are due to the weight, not RA. 

Anyways, I'm 5'4.5" tall and currently weigh 125.

I'll let you know if it works!


Hi Karen,

Good luck.....sounds interesting. I think I might check that book out.  It does'nt really sound like you are overweight to me though

I hate to be a "pooper" in this party, but I don't think it can be that easy.  Great to adopt a healthier eating plan, but I can't imagine that your joint problems would be from this few extra pounds( what do I know?

I wish you all the best and I'm glad you mentioned the book. Sounds great for me as I don't eat meat or poultry and have more than a few pounds to lose.

Please do let us know how it goes, I hope the best for you!!

When I'm properly medicated and feel good I regain my appitite and eat more healthy...although not all healthy foods I'll admit.

Give me 120/125 anyday over 110/115. It just means I'm feeling better.


Good Luck with your plan...lots of people honestly believe in it.


Thank you Pam and Lovie.  I'll give it a shot anyways, what's 6 weeks, right?  I guess I'm just grasping at straws but I don't know what else to do right now anyways.


When I was first dx and was on a steady diet of Pred, I grew to well over 200 pounds.  I'm 5'7", and normally ran around 135 before.  I developed some stomach problems shortly after the RA went into remission, and ended up getting down to 115.  I'm now 125, and still too thin.  Anyway, I thought the extra weight was what was causing the joint pain.  Now I'm much thinner, and the joint pain is currently worse than ever.  So my problem anyway, wasn't due to the weight. 

But it's always good to eat a healthy diet (something I'm not very good at doing.

I hope it works well for you though.  Keep us posted and let us know how it goes.  Some here have said that certains diets have helped them.  Each responds differently to different forms of treatments.  The diet could be just the thing that helps you.  Good luck.



I'm anxious to hear how the diet works for you. I like the idea of a plant based diet, as I've been a vegetarian for most of my life. I am slightly underweight, but still, in the back of my mind, wonder if LESS weight would be better (sick, crazy thought). Let us know how the diet works for you. Love, JuliahI've been doing the Andrew Weil eating program (I was already a vegetarian, so I gave up dairy and eggs, caffeine, partially hydrogenated oils, polyunsaturated fats, artificial sweeteners, etc.) for about 2 months.  It didn't help the RA really, but I suppose I'm healthier.  I've recently put the occasional artificial sweetener back since I don't want to use a lot of sugar either and once in a while I need an iced (decaf) coffee ;)

Hello all,

I haven't posted for a while, but I just wanted to add some encouragement to anyone trying a new diet for their RA.

My rheumatologist told me, at diagnosis ,almost exactly 3 months ago - that maybe giving up red meat would help, and eating a 'mediterranean diet' (which I interpret as lots of salad and olive oil, garlic etc). He followed this by saying that RA 'had nothing to do with food'.

Bit of a mixed message, I thought - so I went away and have been quite religiously mediterranean since (including the red wine!) though sadly I haven't been able to get the weather here in the UK! I also take fish oil and evening primrose (3g each, per day), turmeric, boswellia, raw root ginger, high dose vit c and a variety of minerals. Have recetnly started MSM too. Most of these supplements are supposed to take a while to kick in completely, by those who believe they do anything at all.

3 months on: I can report that in the last weeks or so I am feeling a huge amount better and on a good day can even RUN up the stairs (where 3 months ago I could barely crawl up them). I have more energy - and although I wouldn't say the RA has gone, I can touch my toes again if I spend a little time doing stretching every morning. My wrist pain is also much improved.

Stick with it people! I have heard that diets don't work for everyone, and everyone with any medical background tells me that herbal remedies don't work - but if I'd had this much improvement taking methotrexate, I'm sure the medics would be claiming a huge success!!

And no side effects!

Love to all,


Zakatak, thanks for the info on
the book. I think I will get a copy for myself. I am very
overweight (started about 5 yrs ago) and I know I
am not eating a healthy diet at all. About 10 years
ago I became ill with a rash and blisters all over my
body. Dr.'s could not find a reason for it so I went to
a homopathic dr and she had me eat a similar red meat, flour, sugar, and only small
amounts of fruit. I have to say that after a few weeks
of being on it I felt better than I had ever felt before
and I also lost weight, though I wasn't really trying.    

My eating habits now are very bad and for me, when I
am in pain, I tend to eat more to try to take my mind
off the pain and that, along with the prednisone and
lack of exercise has me in bad shape weight wise. I
don't know if losing weight will help with the RA, but I
do think that with all the meds we take and the
normal strain on our bodies, that eating a healthy
diet can do nothing but help!!!   Now I just need
some will power.......

Congratulations to you. Sounds like you are having great success...that's great encouragement for those here who choose to go this route.


Maggie glad to hear the diet is helping.  It is important to eat healthy, but we need to remember, as Maggie stated. changing your diet is not going to make Ra go away.  It is important that we eat healthy  exercise and keep a positive attitude.  you would be suprised at how much our attitude affects our health.   I myself am 5'7'' and we will not discuss weight with me, I am not only trying to live with ra, oa ,and pa, I have hypthyroidism, which has slowed down my metabolism big time, so I am doing things to keep me active and I am eating 6 small meals a day to help my metobolism to keep going. To tell the truth all your weights sound fine to me, but this is another thing, your weight maybe fine, but what about your muscle tone?  Some people just need to do exercises to firm up which in turn makes the body look better.  This is just repetive exercises with SMALL weights not large and this does help to frim up.  ZAkatak your weight sounds fine, and so do you Lovie, don't overdo it Zak, because sometimes if you over do it causes more problems than good.  meme


Meme and others,

Please get the message that Maggie was so excitedly trying to relay. Yes, she is not saying that her RA is cured, but her symptoms are drastically reduced! (I'm so happy for you, Maggie! I'm sure that the MSM is contributing alot to your improvement!)  Maggie and others of us want to communicate to those people who are considering taking the diet/supplement treatment over the toxic drug treatments that if you'd give it a try, you very well will be in a more positive physical state.

When people say they feel they are in remission, I don't know what the accepted definition of that is, but in my book, that means, one is relatively free of pain (which is damage) without  being on medication.

After reading posts on this forum for a number of months, it appears that folks who are taking the traditional meds ultimately have to deal with a myriad of side effects.

No, I'm not trying to "force" this way of treatment on others. Those of you who are happy with the meds you take, fine. I'm speaking to those folks who are not willing to have their health further harmed.



 I for one am happy that the diet is working for Maggie, but there are people here who believe that if they watch what they eat it is going to cure their ra  WELL IT IS NOT GOING TO DO IT!!!!! iF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT IS BEING SAID SO BE IT. AND WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THE MEDS ARE GOING TO DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD!!!???!!  I for one keep all appointments with the drs go for my bloodwork and if I don't feel comfortable with a med that is being given me then I let the dr know and find an alternate be it another med or procedure.  As I have said before everyone has a right to find whatever way helps them to live with ra, but we all need to realise it is not going to be cured, by eating a certain diet, nor by taking hollistic measures, nor by taking conventional meds!!!!!!!

So Rana do not, I repeat do not assume what I am saying!!! It is absolutely wonderful that the diet is helping Maggie with her ra!!!!!!

meme38519.7358564815Hi there!  Not many of you know me, but I used to be a frequent visitor on these boards.  It was a much needed life support.  I still check in now and again, but rarely post.  I had to re-register to post this reply.  I'm so glad you are discussing this topic.  For months I suffered.  Doctors and Rheumatologists did little for me because I didn't have the classic bloodwork.  Pain killers were my friends.  My husband was so concerned about my deterioration, he did a bunch of research and changed our diet.  It has done wonders for me.  I still have my pain days, but the severity and duration are minimal.  I lead a normal life without medication.  This doesn't work for everyone, I know.  But it did for me.  I eat mostly organic.  I try to avoid processed food, hydrogenated oils, white sugar, white flour, too much red meat, msg, aspartame, artificial flavors and colors, soda pop, and anything I can't pronounce or have to look up in a dictionary.  haha.  Generally, the closest I can eat to it's natural state, the better.  The results have been wonderful.  I've recently added an exercise program and it has actually increased my energy levels.  I'm not perfect.  I sometimes deviate from my diet.  Sometimes there are no ill effects, and sometimes I pay for it.  Particularly with white sugar.  This isn't for everyone, but if you've tried in desperation to get better, and nothing has worked, it's worth giving up a few things.  I have a horrible sweet tooth.  Dried mangos help.  But if I really need baked goods, I use wheat flour and evaporated cane juice, Rapadura brand.  I don't mean to ramble on, but it's my hope that this post will help someone.  I didn't believe that changing my diet could possibly help me, but I was wrong.  Yes, I usually know when the rain is coming and I feel twinges and pain around my period time, but I can walk without limping, wear my rings, wear cute shoes and hold a pen.  I've just about written a book here, so I'll come to a close.  I hope this information helps someone.  I realize that many people won't respond the same way and some peoples conditions are more serious.  Take care and God Bless.


Hello again all,

Thanks for the support, Rana and Lovie and Lael - this topic seems to stir up such strong feelings in some people around here, that I feel it would be easier to say nothing. However - that wouldn't pass on the message that I want to get across about diet and herbal medicine. So here we go again:

I am not taking any medication, apart from the odd paracetamol for a headache. BUT I AM TAKING the HERBS and SUPPLEMENTS I mentioned, regularly - 3 X per day at mealtimes. It's a right old handful of pills, but I've got very skilled at swallowing them down in one. I've been taking them for nearly 3 months now.

I'm feeling great by comparison with 6 months ago, when this hideous disease came raging into my life, turned it upside down and made me so miserable. Long may this good time last - and you'll all be the first to know if I get better still, as well as if I get worse. I do still have slightly grotty days.............. AND AM NOT CLAIMING a MIRACLE CURE, but the point I'm trying to make here is that yes, DIET and SUPPLEMENTS can really help. I know I'm not the only one to think so - others have had success too, and it would be great if some of the closed minds around here (SORRY - BUT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) could just listen.

If I had got this well with MTX, which also takes a while to kick in, people would be saying it was a wonder drug. And yes - it is most doctors' drug of choice for RA here in the UK, but it is also highly toxic, as RANA pointed out.

Please - if you're thinking of changing your diet to help your RA, or if you want to try supplements and herbs instead of drugs - don't be put off by the negative vibes on this board. If it doesn't help within a few months you'll know it - and the drugs will still be there to fall back on. It's a win-win situation!

Lots of love etc,


PS - I typed this without my wrist support, and I can rest my left arm on the desk again as the nodule on my elbow has disappeared completely. My right elbow still has a nodule but it is shrinking very fast! Please forgive me for feeling so elated about this, folks.

You know Maggie and Rana I am sick and tired of this bickering back and forth!!!  You believe in your diets and they are helping you that is just wonderful!!!   All I ask is to give people who are using the traditional ways to help with their ra some respect too.  You may not like using meds, but for many of these people it is working and helping them cope with day to day.  Diet is important eating better makes you feel better, so does exercise and positive attitude.  I feel it is a whole collection of things that helps with making you able to live with ra.



I think it's great news for you that you are controlling your RA through your diet. I do not mean any disrespect by voicing my opinions on the subject; please know that. That being said, I'd like to point out just a few things.

I take the traditional medications...lots of them too. Does it scare me? Yes; but what scares me worse is all the things that will happen if I do not. It's not just "Joint Pain" I'm concerned with. If "pain" was the only concern I would not subject myself to the "toxic" treatments either. None of us would. I think we as a whole have a very high tolerance for pain...we've learned to manage quite a bit of pain.

I'm not sure how long any of you have had RA; and I by far am not one of the longest living members here; but I have however had this long enough to have lived and learned so to speak. I have also tried to learn all that I can about this disease and what I have learned goes far deeper than "Joint Pain".

I'm attaching a link as "Food for thought". It's a link at the AI website that explains in fairly good detail other aspects of this disease. RA can effect almost every part of your body. Your heart, your lungs, your liver, your kidneys, your eyes, your nervous system, your muscles, your bones...your skin. nts.html

These are SERIOUS issues. I'm certainly no expert, but for me personally it's too much to risk. Early on; I'd say year three I was fed up with all the medications. I was far more concerned with the damage all these medictions were doing to me rather than what seems to me to just be some painful, stiff joints. I told my doctor I wasn't going to do it anymore. She begged me not to do that; but I insisted. It wasn't long before I was back in her office pleading with her to help me. Since that time I have learned a great deal about what my future holds. I personally am going to do everything my doctor suggest to control this.

Again; I don't mean any disrespect to those of you who are on special diets that are helping you...and you believe in.

A forum such as this is a place to voice and share ideas. We're never all going to agree on everything, but it's important that we all share our views so those who are just starting out can compile lots of much needed information so that they can make the choices that are right for them.




I think we are all just trying to do our best to feel better.  I don't think it is a closed mind to not accept someone elses idea on how to handle your own "personal" battle. It is so great to be able to come here and listen to and encourage each other and just help each other through the sometimes impossible day to day.

It seems everyone would agree a healthy diet can only be benificial, as for the herbs vs trad that is a very personal choice. I hope that when a treatment choice is being made that the future is always a big part of the decision making as the damage done is done, no fixing it.  I have children and hopefully a long life ahead with grandchildren and the works.  I sure want to make my decisions based on what I hope for myself for the future. My son is suspect for JRA and it is a tremendous weight to think I may have to make these choices for him.  His health, happiness and future are the most important thing in the world to me and I want to make sure my choices will stop or slow any damage. 

I respect each of you for your choice in dealing with this, and enjoy reading each personal story.  It's a great feeling to read the post of someone that is doing great, but that does'nt mean I will choose the same method of treatment for myself.

Lovie; Great Link thanks!! 


Why aren't the people who want to discuss other therapies posting under Diet and Nutrition or Alternative Therapies. Those are the places to have these types of discussions. This is not the correct place for them and seems to cause misunderstandings. I am sure Maggie UK and Rana could lead some informative discussions on those message boards and people would know what to expect discussed. Those message boards could use more discussions.


She has had numerous operations due to RA complications...and has more ahead of her.


Yes, people, I know that RA can affect other parts. I had an Aunt who was very very very crippled with it - and I've had some very disturbing symptoms (eyes at the beginning and cricoarytenoid joint more recently) myself. That's not my point - although it's so nice not to be in pain - don't you agree?

But I still feel I'm not being heard. How would you guys feel if I reversed  the roles - and chipped in with, for example "oh, you believe your drugs are doing you good, but they're not really because there's no cure for RA, so you migh as well not bother" - which is what is implied in every response I've had from some people to my own experience with food and herbs - which I have never claimed as a cure, just that it is really helping me - and wanting to help and encourage other people who are trying to help themselves in non-conventional ways too. Herbal medicine has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years - and if it was so useless maybe the human race wouldn't even have got this far....?

Yes - I may need drugs some day - and I am acting aginst 'professional' medical advice by not taking MTX. But, if I was ever tempted, I've read enough posts here on this board (about all the RA drugs) to put me off ever wanting to take them unless very good reasons could be shown me.

How few people come here and post the messsage - "I'm taking XYZ and everything is going fine - I have no pain, my disease is in remission and I can lead a normal life. .........

Where are you all?

Sorry to be so blunt - but I really am fed up with being attacked with the jibe that RA is incurable (I know it) or told not to be disrespectful of others just because what I'm doing just happens, for the moment, to be helping me feel good - and want to shout joyfully about it.

For the third time today:

If I came here and wrote a post telling how great I felt on MTX, you'd all believe that - so why not the herbal/lifestyle alternative?

I'm not a crank. I just have a mind of my own. 

And now - as I guess I'll be "persona non-grata" for a good few days - I'll duck my head beneath the parapet again and wait for the flak to finish flying




You make some very good points Maggie...and there is a need for what you bring here to the table.

If I have in anyway contributed to offending you or others by my out spoken manner please forgive me.



I am not offended by your posts, I just wish you would post in the right message boards. Diet and Nutrition or Alternative Therapies. I don't understand why you can't post there, instead of this message board.

BarbWe love you Meme!! Wow!!!!!!  I don't remember so much anymosity on this site when I was a regular visitor.  I took a peek to try and find how some of my old friends were, and this topic really interested me because of my personal success with it.  Believe me, as bad as I was a couple of years ago, I would have done just about anything.  This includes taking toxic medications.  However, I made the choice to try something that could possibly alleviate my symptoms without other side effects first.  For me it worked.  It may not for everyone.  It's a personal choice.  I don't think anyone here should be attacked for their personal choice.  The people here helped me through some really rough times.  I hope that you all can be as supportive to eachother as everyone was for me.  I certainly didn't attack people.  I didn't care whether they took mtx or msm.  We are all fighting a very similar battle and should be allies.  I don't care if you prefer a sword or a bow and arrow.  Just fight the best you can.  If someone mentions that they are feeling better and how they did it, why should they have to go to the "alternative" section?  Not everyone here would know that this person was feeling well because less people here look at the diet or alternative threads.  I'll check in again.  I'm going to post to see if anyone I know is around.  I hope to post in the diet section if anyone is looking for more information on what has worked for me personally.  May everyone have a pain free day.  Until next time.....
Lael   Lael38520.894212963


Welcome back to the message boards. I'll check out your post in Diet and Nutrition.


I just wanted to chime in and say your posts don't bother me a bit.  As long as a person 1) isn't selling anything; 2) isn't promising to cure anyone, I don't see a problem with posting about how he/she takes care of his/her arthritis and the results.  This board isn't called "Rheumatoid Arthritis and Traditional Medical Practices."  It is just called "Rheumatoid Arthritis."  Anyone who has RA or has a loved one with RA who is seeking or giving info for others should be able to post here.  Though I am taking traditional meds, I'm also interested in alternative ways to treat (not cure) RA symptoms, so I welcome reading about what other have tried.

Just my NSHO

Oh boy... I am soooo sorry!  First off, I had no idea there was any other boards, I think I found this one through googling.  I am sorry if I posted in the wrong forum.

I haven't been here in a few days because I am thoroughly starting to deny anything is wrong.  My hands have been better the last couple of days (it's cooler out here, so maybe it was just heat?).  I actually haven't been able to stick to the diet as sugar keeps calling me. 

Well, I'm sorry this blew up.  I will use the other board for any diet related subjects from now on.



This web site gives me so much pleasure lately. I hate to think that I have upset anyone with my stupid out spoken manner...I'll admit it; sometimes I enjoy the debate. (Call me slightly board!!)

I love you guys...and lately' I've considered you guys really good friends.


Hola Everyone!

I have one thing to say. White sugar is ALL GOOD!! Along with Brown sugar & powdered sugar, but not fake I think I live off of SUGAR, my main diet since I was 4!!!!!!

Please do not attack my lovely sugar!!!! It has done nothing, except taste GOOD!! It is not sugars fault that it is was quinches our "Sweet thooths". I crave sugar 24/7 and give in when I have it in the house. Yes, I admit I buy sugary foods and candies to last me the week, but it only lasts a couple of days and then I need to find another way to satisfy my craving...which I do nothing just go into withdrawls....LMAO.

So, if you need to pick on something pick on the FAKE SUGAR!!!!


Sorry, Just wanted to defend my diet....


mmmmm I'm watching them make ice cream on food network as we speak YUMMY !!!!



Me it is chocolate!!!!  I love chocolate and yes a candybar is nice, but give meGODIVA, GHIRDELLA, FANNY FARMER, ALL THE DECANDENT CHOCOLATE I can find!!!!!  lololololol


So, for all the chocolate lover's out there,



 Hi Rana

I knew you'd get us for this

Rene you are a very good sport my friend.I'll have you all know that this thread made me have a sweet tooth fit.  Since I'm not doing dairy anymore, I had to go make a fruit smoothie (with soy milk).  Gotta love eating at 10 pm LOL Awww.... 6xmum....sorry! It made me go out and buy a 12oz bag of dark chocolat Hershey's kisses!! I'am eating them as I type and it is 10:30pm here