Been to my GP | Arthritis Information


Ok, so I have been to my GP because I can't get in to see a Rheumatologist without his referral.  He said I definately had some type of inflamatory something going on.  Even the joints in my chest were inflamed and painful to the touch.  He is running yet another round of bloodwork including RA factor and Lupus testing.  Will hopefully get results tomorrow.  He started me on a steroid pack and Daypro.  It seems to have decreased my pain in some of my toes but definately NOT in my hand.  My hand keeps waking me up at night with intense pain and swelling.  It is kind of a cross between throbbing and stabbing.  I can't use it to do much without icing it down.  It this pretty typical? 

Anyway, will give an update when I know more.

Thanks for the support.  I have been looking for it for sooooooo long.


My hands were like that early on. I still have some problems with them; but not like in the beginning. Hopefully the predisone will help with that. That's powerful stuff and usually works very quickly if you do in fact have an inflammatory disease like your GP suspects. How you react to the predisone will be an indicator in getting a dignoisis.

Good Luck to you. Welcome to AI.

If it doesn't help soon, call the doc back. When you are in the early stage of diagnosis, you need to speak up that something isn't working.

Welcome to the board.
