Anyone else-synovial cysts? | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

I have had these for two years and they are like fluid filled pockets on both ankles and on either side of both knees.  I think they are called synovial cysts and they get quite large during a flare but never go away.


Yup. Both knees, both wrists and I used to have a huge one (soft ball size) on my right ankle but they removed it during ankle surgery.

Watch out for Baker's Cysts (behind the knee), I hear they can be a doozy if they rupture.


Yes, have them on ankles - one about the size of a golf ball.  One on top of hand at wrist and it's about 3"x2".  Had on elbows before Remicade and they were about size of fifty cent pieces.  Also had bilateral bakers but they also went away.  Have swelling right below knees and they are about 5"x5"  The one that hurts the most is the wrist.  I'm flaring now because I'm late getting Remicade and had an intestional infection and couldn't take MXT for 3 weeks because I was on antibiotics, etc.  They all either went away or decreased in size with Remicade and MXT. 

I hate to hear that anyone else has these but it does help me to know that I am not alone.  I hope the Enbrel I am going to start gets rid of them.  I cannot believe how much pain they create.

Thanks for the replys.

i had bakers cyst behind both knees for 2 years, boy they hurt. they broke after that one then the other a few months later and yes when they break u feel it badly.hope yours go away fast. Katie - Would you mind describing the behind the knee cysts in more detail please.  I suspect that I may also have them behind my knees but they would be kinda deep.


Well, the doc has always said they are baker's cysts. When I stand up with my legs as straight as I can, the back of my knees are swollen and warm. It looks like someone stuffed a raquet ball behind my knee cap. It's usually squishy, but firm - if that makes sense. ANY bending of the knee hurts AAALOOOOTTT. I don't even want to put weight down on that leg.


Here's what I found:

"A baker’s cyst is a small (sometimes large) sack of fluid behind the knee. The sack itself is quite normal. Most people have one but it usually does not have enough fluid in it to be noticeable. It will cause problems only when it becomes swollen with fluid, especially if the comminication with the knee joint is via a one-way valve which lets fluid out into the cyst but prevents fluid from flowing back into the knee.
The fluid is almost always due to some problem within the joint itself such as arthritis or a torn cartilage. Occasionally the cyst fills up with fluid for other reasons.
Occasionally the cyst can leak fluid into the calf and cause calf sweeling, tightness & pain. This may even simulate a calf DVT (deep vein thrombosis)
It is easily diagnosed by a careful examination and an ultrasound scan.
Sometimes the cyst communication can be seen arthroscopically and the one-way flap valve excised."


"It is best treated by treating the cause of the excess fluid (fixing the cartilage tear or arthritis) and then the Bakers cyst usually fades away. A large and persistent Bakers cyst may require surgical removal which is done through an incision across the back of the knee, although it can sometimes be removed by arthroscopic surgery direct to the cyst."


This is an MRI scan of a cyst. Can you see where the flap has let the fluid escape behind the knee?

You can read a bit more here: 6&sz=12&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=HnCqYxf3MF2QuM:& amp;tbnh=111&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbakers%2Bcy st%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

But I've already taken most of that info and posted it here. Hope this helps!!

Thanks so much!  I had no idea and therefore never showed my doc behind my knees when they are straight.  They do feel squishy and like a pouch sticking out.  I have toothpick legs so it can't be just fat which is what I thought it was.

Knee bending hurts a lot but I thought it was only from the cysts in the front on either side of the knee cap.

Again thanks Katie and take care.

I think these fluid bag lumps around various joints are so common in RA that the docs don't even say anything about them.

i had an extensive synovectomy a few months back on my right knee and the doc pulled out a few chunks of an orange-spongey material.  And that's the knee I have arthritis in too, so it feels extra good.

