Neck/head pain....Relief??? | Arthritis Information


Okay, I know that anything seems to go with RA.  I have strange sensations and pains all over the place.  One thing that really bothers me though is a pain in the top of my neck/base of head on the left side.  It shoots pains up to the top of my head and down into my shoulder blade.  I think there must be swelling too as I feel pressure in my ear and neck. 

Does anybody else have a similar thing?  If so, what do you do for it?  Any relief would be so nice!!!


Okay, I must be becoming paranoid, but this sounds just like a description of neuropathy that I was reading last night. I just didn't realize that some of the symptoms people have been listing could be inflammation of the nerves or nerve damage.

It's weird and it needs to be checked out. If it gets really bad, go to the ER. But do go to the doc, your primary or your Rheumy and ask to see a Neurologist. Nerves can do funny things all over your body.

I move the toes on my right foot and the left ones, paralysed a few moments before, suddenly move in unison. That's freaky. And, I cann't make some of my muscles move. That's why I'm starting to feel paranoid.

Just get it checked out.

I had similar pain in my neck, I took OmegaXL, It really helped. You can get free bottle, just pay shipping.    Hope this hepls.

I had Almost the exact same thing happen to me with a neuropathic pain thing as I was first seeing a Doctor for all of this,It took a month and a half to go away and was monitored by my doctor, I would also say to call the doctor, that hurts alot! Mine was supposedly associated with an upper left quadrant nerve in my neck, if I remember correctly. They wanted to make sure I didn't have nerve damage... Yup, Call  the doctor.. i really couldn't find alot to help the pain during the time I had it..

I Wished I could help more.. 


I have left side neck pain, but mine feels like I have a hot metal bar from my shoulder to behind my ear. If it gets really bad it can become a terrible migraine, my whole head with neck and shoulder involvement.

My rheumy said it's tendonitis in my neck and OA in my spine, all aggravating and due to, the RA.

Pulling the muscles in my left arm by lifting too many groceries bags, etc., will set it off, I can't use my right arm anymore for the heavy stuff so my left gets overused. A bad night's sleep or stress seem to be big triggers for me too. (And the fact that I'm bosomy and have to carry around these two cannonballs on my chest all day doesn't help!


I don't have the cannonball problem, thank goodness. I hadn't even though about how much worse that could make all these problems.

Lynk, your pain problems sounds similar to mine for the same reasons. The problem is that the longer I am moving around the more my spine hurts and the tremors start.

Supposedly, injections can help though. They might could use trigger point or epidermal injections in the neck. Also, they did try PT with me. Unfortunately, in my case, it didn't work. I have shoulder problems though that hopefully they are going to fix with surgery.

I think if you push, they might have some solutions to help with the pain. And yes, I have heard of insurance companies paying for breast reductions for back pain problems.
