Rituxan | Arthritis Information




I thought this was very scary. Has anyone been on this before? Is it worth the risk? From my understanding, this isn't the only scary thing about this drug. Am I wrong?

Thanks Katie, it seems to be a full time job managing our diseases and our drugs, lol.

Katie, I saw that. It does look scary, but I'll have to say no scary than what I've read about the other biologics. It seems like RA is just spin the wheel, pick your poison. Take your chances with what the RA will likely do to you, or with what the drugs might do to you.

I'm not looking forward to getting to the point of being on the biologics, but I know the day is coming and I'm trying to get zen about the whole drug thing



I started taking Rituxan the end of Nov. with my second infusion in December. I am not due any more for 6 months.    I'll have to see the results and then make a decision. I wish I would have know this before my infusion. I probably would have tried the Orencia instead since I had the choice.

Hi Katie, I read that, too. My rheumatologist and hemotologist both wanted me to take Rituxan, because I cannot take Remicade, Humira, Enbrel, etc. The reason is that I have an elevated amount of the IgM protein, which makes me at greater risk for developing lymphoma. As you know, the biologics can have the rare side effect of lymphoma. Since I am already predisposed toward it, they will never put me on those.

But Rituxan is used primarily for lymphoma, or that's what it's initial use was. Now, of course, it is also used for RA. However, it was decided among my docs, that they would hold off on Rituxan since that will be my only drug should my symptoms become worse than they are now. They want to save "big guns" for last, I guess.

I am just as glad, now that I have read that. In fact, I'm not sure I ever want to go on it. I have enough problems, already. They are going to try Plaquenil on me as soon as they get results from Opthomalogist, MRI of hands, and blood work.

Joy3, Have you had any problems with your infusions? Good luck, I really hope it works for you. I'm told it's a real miracle drug, when it works as it is supposed to, depending upon the patient.

I think the RA meds all have their problems, but what are our choices? We do have more of a chance at a better life than RA patients did 15 years ago.

Hugs & Blessings to All,



Yeah, I'm not trying to scare anyone away from it. It works for a lot of people. That's just a very big and scary side effect. Where do we draw the line as to what's an acceptable side effect, you know? I just wanted people to be aware. Katie, I am always glad to have new information.

I haven't seen any results yet concerning pain, stiffness, or swelling but my sed rate has drop down into the normal range after being high for 3 years. My doctor told me it can take up to 2 months before I feel the results. After both infusions I had about 5 days of pretty bad joint and muscle pain. It was strange because the muscle pain was only in my upper arms and thighs. Everyone has different experiences, but for me I am leaning toward not staying on the Rituxan unless it begins to make a dramatic difference.

Nini, I hope your new medication really helps you feel better.

Katie, I agree with you completely. I don't think anyone should take any of these meds without all the info they can get. And you're right, that is a very scary side effect. Thanks for posting it.

Keep up the good work

Joy 3, Thanks for the info on the Rituxan treatments. I sure hope it helps your pain and other symptoms. It's great news about your sed rate, but would be better if it helped the pain. But they say it can take time.

Have a Good Night.




My initial reactions after my 1st 2 Rituxan infusions were much the same as yours.  I too have had the 1st normal CRP and sed rates since I was diagnosed going on 5 years ago.  It took about 3 months for the total effect to settle in (BTW, my doc kept me on MTX and also had me to start taking cyclosporine).  I still have residual pain, but not to the extent as before.

I am due for my 2nd round in a month.  About 2 weeks ago I started, having increased joint pain.  So for me I guess the effect began late and so I only got about 3 months of feeling a lot better.  But those 3 months are enough for me to keep going.

I am allergic to all the biologics, but I didn't get allergic to Remicade until I was on it for 6 months and it worked really well until then.  So I hope I don't become allergic to Rituxan after my next round.

Well good luck to you, and I'm glad it's doing SOMETHING for you. Do watch out for the blurred vision and confusion! We wouldn't want to lose you :)Crispy, I am so glad to hear that you did get some relief from your symptoms after taking Rituxan. I sure hope that the second round helps you feel better sooner and last longer. I can really understand how the three months of feeling better can keep you going. Last summer I had a great three month period of time when I was feeling so much better. Just having those three months really gave me hope and lifted my spirits so much. Take care and I'd love to hear how you are doing.I am going for my first infusion on Monday.  I am a little nervous about it.  I have done Enbrel, Humira, and Remicade.  All worked for about 2 years, and then stopped working. They were great while they lasted.  I am just hoping to get another 2 years or so out of this......My doctor asked me to consider this medication yesterday. I've been on Humira for 2 years with great success but recently have had trouble with tingling and numbness which can be a side effect of Humira. It can also be a symptom of MS so he wants to see if taking me off the medication will stop that symptom. After 6 weeks I need to choose another medication because history has shown that I'm unlikley to make it on MTX alone.
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