New connection in FM | Arthritis Information


This just came out today and a friend sent it to me. I think it is a very interesting connection as this is the same chemical affected in Parkinson's. Maybe FM is a female Parkinson's.

It'll be interesting to see how the major news media outlets handle (or don't handle

Here's a hopeful article from Georgia Tech on using Dopamine to regrow nerve tissue.  As it says, "The discovery is the first step toward the eventual goal of implanting the new polymer into patients suffering from neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s or epilepsy, to help repair damaged nerves." Hopefully this will translate to FM as well, particularly in those who've had it a long time.

Wow.  This is great.  Thanks for sharing this with us.  When I see the Neurologist on Tuesday, I'm bringing this up. With my FM and nerve problems, maybe he could go in this direction. I like it better than, "I just have to live with it."