what am I doing wrong | Arthritis Information


Good morning


I am rather new here and admit to be pretty much computer illiterate.

I gain alot of knowledge here and although I am not posting alot...because I am a bit timid.....I have experienced a problem...this is the third time I have somehow not been able to post and had to signon and get another whole new name and everything....some days I feel so alone.....and in pain.....and this just puts me down further...what am I doing wrong.????

I need you guys.

Gramma~are you sure you are rememebering the correct user name and password? I've heard of other's having this same problem....but after I guess two years now I've never had to do that. I'm not sure what's happening.....but I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time with it. Don't give up on us; we need you too!!

Hang in there Sweetie; We're here for ya.

Sorry you're having a tough time Gramma!  One thing is to make sure you are logged in before you try to post.  You can come to the website and view everything without being logged in, but it won't allow you to post unless you have logged in.   One way to check is to look at the bottom of the main menu page and see if your screen name is listed there as being on line before you post.

It might also be a matter as Lovie said, of not getting the correct user name and password.  And make sure you have the right case, as I think it is case sensitive.

Other than that, maybe you can tell us what's happening when you try to post.  Then maybe we can come up with other ideas.

The thing about computers and RA--we can't punch em or kick em because it would hurt US too much.

We couldn't punch em or kick em before RA because we can't afford to replace them afterward. But we knew we COULD if we really wanted to. We could threaten. Now my laptop knows I'm nothing but a windbag of empty threats.

I hope the computer gremlins leave you alone soon Gramma2


Try shutting the Internet Explorer windown and coming in new. Sometimes, this forum gets locked in the incorrect login mode.

Be sure you come in as www.arthritisinsight.com/formum/ and don't use your history button because it seems to stay locked on this page.

This has happened to me and it looks like there's no way out of it. It really isn't you, it's something about this site.

This has happened to me several times.  I have a shortcut on my desktop to this site and some days it just wont work right.  If I go to google and google ra support boards and click on the link for this site than log it, it usually works.  I,m not a computer person and have no idea why it gives me troubles sometimes!!

Hope that helps.

Thanks for all the suggestions.....my husband is the computer wizard in our family I dont ask him about this site...he is very supportive of me and helpful with the RA
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