Finer locked | Arthritis Information


A couple years ago my finger " locked ". Had a nodule on the tendon. Well the last 3 weeks it's just getting worse.Seeing Rheumy today. Expect a shot since it's very painful and I cannot straiten it at all.  I have had what's called a trigger finger which sounds similar. My doc said it was due to inflammation of the tendon at the base of the finger (in the upper palm of the hand) caused by RA.

An hour after my first injection of Enbrel I was able to move my finger. It is normal now and has been 7 months.

So sorry to hear about your finger.  Both my trigger fingers are pulled about 1/2 way down, but they loosen up when the swelling goes away.

It must be really hard to deal with having it bent all the time.  Do you think your doc will suggest removing the nodule?

Getting injected tomorrow