Are MRI’s standard procedure? | Arthritis Information


I was just wondering how many people have had MRI's? Is is standard procedure?  I was dx in Sept 05 with RA and was told by a dr at urgent care. He was the one who ordered xrays on my hands and feet that showed ra. I have never had any xrays or mri's from my rheumy. I feel like my doc isn't up to par and am considering changes but with my insurance I have 2 more dr's in the network to choose from in our town. I have been having lots of problems with my left side from my shoulder to my hip to my knee to my ankle for a while. I have called my rheumy this morning because I have had an extremely rough and painful weekend with my hip. It keeps popping and it is intensely painful. I was told by the nurse that there was nothing they could do for me until next month when I have an appt on the 8th. What kind of BS is that? If it was too bad she said go to urgent was very tempted to tell her where she could Any info on your hip problems, etc, would be appreciated.


lol  sounds  like  the  rd's  here   we  can only  see  you  when we  want  to see  you  and  ohh yea  your  in pain...  go to emergency   go  somewhere   else  or  better  yet  call  your   pcp  whoooooo  will tell you  what  did  the  RD  say?

lol   ugggggggggggggggggggggggggg.


My doc checks my worst joints about every 6 months and does use MRI's if a particular joint is not showing on x-rays yet.  I would think MRI's or at least x-rays would be essential with a progressive degenerative disease like ours.

Take care.

Go to the ER. They are not equipped at Urgent Care to do one for you. Usually, they can do xrays though. But my Urgent Care freaked with my bronchitis because of all my history.

Your doctor should order a MRI and you shouldn't have to wait until your next appointment. Call back and ask for the doctor himself. Popping in and out of joint is a big potential problem. It's probably the particular person you talked to. If that doesn't work, call your Primary and push on him. Failing all that, next time it happens, hit the ER.

In the meantime, start using a cane in the opposite hand. You do not want to have a fall.

Why won't these doctors just do their jobs? I'm sure you are in a lot of pain. It's disgusting how you are being treated. Demand more. I called and demanded xrays of my shoulder. That's what it took. How dare I prescribe films for myself? Finally got the doc's attention, a year too late. Please do not play by their rules. Get something done -- now.

And yes, MRI on a popping joint is quite standard. They might want to do xrays first. But waiting is not a good idea. If they still give you a hard time then ask, "Well, let me make sure I've got your name down right, along with the spelling. I want to make sure I can give it to my lawyer if I happen to fall and break my hip." Not nice, but you get my point. Which is nicer, making someone suffer in pain or a not so subtle threat like that. Or, say that you will call the American Medical Association.

Sometimes, you have to play hard ball. It is your life after all.

MY rheumy doc's nurse called back a few minutes after I posted. She did refill my vicodin because the dr didn't want me to suffer withdrawals. In the mean time if my pain gets too bad then go to the er. It costs 5.00 COPAY just to walk in the door at the hospital. I am so sick of being treated like I am a junkie just because I don't want to be in pain all the time. I will go to the er if my hip pops out again and then I will send the bill to my rheumy with a note saying please take care of my bill because if you had been doing your job, I wouldn't have had to go to the er. Which the er will say.....follow up with your dr........what a stupid, vicious cycle the US healthcare system really sucks!!

My hip is finally letting up. No more popping but I also am not doing anything> I don't want that to happen again. I spent the whole weekend lying in bed with a heating pad and my left leg straight out because I couldn't bend it!!!

This is stupid the way that they are treating you. Can you go to your primary and ask for a MRI? This popping of a hip bone is not to be taken lightly. I think it's wonderful to send the doctor the bill. But why should you have to do that.

You call back again and insist that you get treated. Either your primary or your Rheumy can write the orders. Failing that, ask to get a second opinion and maybe a different doctor will listen to you.

Really, this is just unbelieveable. I am so sorry you are being treated so badly.

I can't believe it either. After the first call I sat and cried. In fact when the nurse called back a few minutes later I was still crying. That's when I think she took me seriously. I think the dr is just was over worked with too many patients. I was looking in the yellow pages when the nurse called for a new rheumy and there were only 4 listed. 3 of which are at Springfield Clinic. I will keep the feb 8th appt just to see what the next step is but I am also cking out Decatur area to see what dr they offer. If my hip pops out again I will go to the er. The nurse says that the Humira should be working but it isn't yet. I have had 4 shots now. I have never experienced such severe pain in hip or any popping since all this started. I described it to my sister as this:  Remember when we used to play with barbie dolls and there leg popped off...that's how I felt...then when I finally was able to sit on the edge of my leg popped back...just like barbie's leg....but still hurt like a mo fo. Thanks for all your replies. THis form is better than any dr visit that's for sure!

Always ask to be called in case of a cancelation.

MRI's aren't standard with RA unless there is a particular problem (Which obviously you have) the majority of RD's get a base line of x-rays though so that they can later compair them to see how things are progressing.

MRI's are very expensive and the over use of these test when not nessesary have now caused insurance companies like mine to require pre-approval before autherizing them.

I do think in your case with this hip it's nessesary. An x-ray may be able to detect the problem easier, quicker and cheaper though.

Good Luck to you.

ALSO: I wouldn't advise going to the ER unless absolutely nessesary. I hear that advise very often but my pocket book can't take that. Even with insurance that can be a costly move that's often unnessesary. I can understand though you can't go on for a month like you you might not have a choice. When looking for a new doctor ask them what they would do in a case like this. If they won't work you in.....go somewhere else. That is rediculous. My doctor would work me in.


YOu have to be in Central IL....I am a little northwest of Champaign Urbana. Where are you?

I have been reading alot about neuropathies, for almost the same symptoms you have, except on the right side. The thing about a MRI is that it will show nerve damage where as an exray won't. So if you haven't already, google neuropathy and be prepared to bring it up when you finally get the the RD. Mine is tomorrow and he isn't going to know what hit him. I have two full pages of questions!

Good luck

Laura T

When I have a mechanical problem like a hip popping out of joint I go see an orthopeadic surgeon. They will help you with your mechanical stuff even if you do have RA. They are much more likely to order an MRI or xrays or whatever. Also the wait time for an appt is usually much better than with rhuemy. You can always ask them to report their findings to your rhuemy.That's good advise Marian. If your insurance doesn't require a referral I'd go ahead and see if you can get an appointment.

Thanks for the advice and concern everybody.

Laura T......yes I do live in IL halfway between Decatur & Springfield. I am in the process of cking things out in Decatur to see if I can find someone there that is covered under my insurance.

My hip is much better. No more popping just the everyday annoyance. The heating pad is my best friend. LOL


I have leaned a lot in last few years in dealing with MDs.  If you think you need something--don't ask--tell them what you want.  I "want an x-ray of my hip".  Most are not going to deny that to you for risk of a lawsuit. 

Also, ask for the doctor to call you.  If the nurse says something I think is totally stupid--insist that the doctor call you back.  Again, for fear of a lawsuit--the doctor will get back to you.  

The doctor should order the x-ray and then see you right away. 

By the way, I was diagnosed about 1 1/2 years ago.  As part of the diagnosis, I had to be x-rayed.  Then in November, I was x-rayed again to see if the meds were working or if they would need to be changed.  I have not had a MRI but I did not complain about hip pain. 


First of all...that was a fabulous idea from Marian about the ortho..and so so true.

I did have MRIs when I was dx'd...and I had repeats 6 months later when the humira didnt work and we were trying to decide between Remicade and Rituxin as the next course of trmt. Because my MRIs looked okay, we went with the Remicade.

I agree about avoiding the ERs. As an ER nurse I can tell you that the ER docs are not trained to manage RA. They may give you something for pain...and maybe but not likely an IM injection of steroid that will hold you for a day...but that is about it. They may or may not xray it...depending on if they can justify it that you may have an acute injury...but keep in mind that they have to justify the charges and anything chronic is not gonna rate to high on the list. The one thing that may happen that could maybe help you but another unlikelyhood, is if they call your doc on the phone while you are there. But usually they dont do that unless things are looking pretty bad. And sadly, your pain, which he can treat on his own, is not gonna rate high on that list either. No ER doc is gonna call an RD (esp after hours) to say that an RA pt has joint pain...they would get the phone slammed in their ear.

Sorry to be the dark and gloomy cloud...but I just hate to think of people sitting is disease laden, noisey ER waiting rooms for hours upon end in cold hard chairs...only to spend a 0 to be told to follow up with your doctor tomorrow....

Here is one other thing you can do when you need to talk to your doc or get someone attention in the docs office..send a fax..something about them having that peice of paper that says "I need medical attention soon please!" etc..makes a difference. what I did when my son was sick and needed the pediatric asthma specialist...I took my kid and went up to the office and told the secretary..."he is gonna have to tell me himself that he wont see my son if yall want me to leave!" Amazingly I got my child seen right away. Funny how that appt time opened up.

Deanna is right...sometimes you have to get pushy..and yes yes yes...keep looking...b/c I have never had to get pushy with my RD...when I call for anything..I leave a message on the nurses voicemail, and my doc calls me back himself same day. He will call in scripts for me...what ever. So there are good docs out there. Dont settle....

Good sweet to your hip!
