? about mtx | Arthritis Information


I am no longer on mtx (should read prednisone) as of the first week of December 2006. Do take 20mg. of mtx a week and three 50mg. tablets of tramadol a day. Also, take 3000 mg. of fish oil a day, a multi-vitamin, 1mg. of folic acid and .175mg. of synthroid.

Was to take my mtx on Sunday but didn't because my elbow joints, most of my toe and finger joints were definitely discolored purple. Also, noticed that though my joints are okay my muscles had begun to ache more and more and my muscles are stiff, making it necessary for me to take tylenol. Is this something to be concerned about? Should I contact my rheumy before my February appt.? My lab reports come back a-okay though it's been quite sometime since a sed rate has been done.

Though I'm not experiencing pain my discomfort level from the aching and stiffness is at a 4-5 level. Any opinions and advice will be appreciated. 

I am a little confused by your post.  It could be me as I started a drug, lycria and feel way out of it.

Your symptoms sound like a definite flare and I would call the rheumy.


" OOOPPSIE "! Certainly understand your confusion!!  The first sentence should have read: " I am no longer on prednisone as of the first week of December 2006."

In addition, the infernal dirty rotten good for nothing itching which had been getting worse each week has totally stopped since I quit taking the mtx.  

Also confused, but the purple color around your joints is reason to call Rheumy before Feb.

OK, if I am understanding everything correctly you are off pred and didn't do your mtx shot because you noticed that your joints were a purplish color the day you were supposed to take your mtx.  Now you have muscle achiness and stiffness.  That is most likely signs of a flare but call your rheumy for sure.  Our joints should not be purple.  They also like to know if we have to stop taking our meds for any reason.

The itching is a side effect of mtx.  Tell your rheumy about it and your rheumy will probably give you something to help out the itching when you go back on the mtx. 


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