OMG!! | Arthritis Information


It is suppose to get down to 27° F tonight and be windy!!!!

All last week it was in the low to mid 70's and now it is going to be fridgied!

I am so going to freeze to death! I am on the side of the bed with the window A/C in the window and it is not covered up. Plus, it is colder by the window!!

Heating pad will be my bestest friend this week

So... what is the weather like where you are at?

joonie39091.6693518519Is it snowing!!!! We hit the record high the other morning at 5:00 A.M! it was 40ish maybe. Usually we already have a lot of snow and we havnt had any at all this year!


Artic front coming in and suppose to be 0 and below 0 degrees. Brrrrrr.


   It's -32 F here in Prudhoe Bay Alaska tonight. We've got a call out to Al Gore to see when global warming is coming our way.
