Lyrica anyone? | Arthritis Information


When I had my appointment with the rheumy today he gave me a prescription for Lyrica. He thinks the nerves in my hands might be damaged and this stuff is supposed to reduce the electrical signals sent to the brain that cause pain. I don't know... I'm so tired of trying new meds!!!!

Has anyone tried this stuff? And did you gain weight

He's now taken me off the Humira I've used for two years with great success because he thinks it might be the cause of it.

I do like the lyrica but when I first started using it at night I felt really groggy when I'd get up the next day. I haven't tried it during the day because I just can't afford to feel that way all day. I'm not sure if I would have had better success had I been using it twice a day like prescribed. My RD doubts it.

Not sure which meds you take....but somethings are caused by the meds we take; that's the only reason I've agreed to go along with this. I hate having to stop my Humira but if it's casuing more harm than good I'll stop.

Hope you have success ith the new med.


Oh Lovie I am really sorry to hear you 'may' be having med trouble. I sure wish they knew more about the biologics and could run a blood test or something. You know you could just have caught a weird virus that hurt your nerves for a while - could actually be nothing to do with the Humira.

Shoot! Hugs and courage lady.

It's been going on a little more than I've complained about so I didn't fight it. I've suspected my sysmptoms were a little too close to MS for comfort and that's what's concerning him. That's the only reason I'm not fighting to stay on it. He's good about letting me have a say so in things and If I said "No, let's wait and see what happens" I know he would have said ok; but I think he's right. We need to see.

He said in 6 weeks if the symptoms haven't stopped he wants me to definately see a nerologist before starting something else. I can restart Humira if there's no reason I can't. I figure it's best to just see what happens. I've been off it 4 weeks before due to infection so it can't be much worse than that.

Wish me luck though....I gotta admit I'm a little worried.



I've just had my second injection of Humira. I also take sulfasalazine. The Dr. said I need at least 3 more injections before they'll know if it's working. Plaquenil didn't work and MTX made me sick so he took me off it. This was the first I'd heard that it could be nerves causing the pain to last so many months. I don't have numbness or tingling. I feel like a guinea pig sometimes but I know it's not the Dr.s fault. I just want them to find something that will work for me.

Hopefully it will be the Humira. It worked and was still working for me when I had to come off it. We're still not sure if that's the problem. I don't want to scare anyone off of it; I was definately a HUmira success story for the last two years....hope you will be too.