RUQ results | Arthritis Information


Well, my test came back negitive which tells me it isnt my gall bladder. Now they have to figure out what is causing my diarrehea and the discomfort on my right side. Blood tests results were negitive for liver and thyroid problems. Wondering if its one of the many meds I'm taking (Pred. Nexium, Darvocet, Lexapro, Enbrel), but of course not.

If it was warm outside, I would go, find the hose, and ream myself out with 50 pounds of water pressure. Thought of changing my diet for a week (no fat, no carbs, just fluids) and see what happens.

Hmmm, maybe its a brain thing...

Ever tested for celiac disease

Oh Geesh, I hope not... will ask my doctor what he thinks...all i need is another disease! Thanks for the info Lynk.

The only reason I suggested it is that my celiac disease first presented itself as gallbladder-like trouble w/right abdo pain and diarrhea.

Like you said, it's much more likely to be medication wackiness. Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you!

I have IBS, irritable bowel syndrome and have had awful diarrhea for almost a year now.  The dr suspects I may have neuropathy and the autonomic neuropathy can cause diarrhea as well.  This past Friday I started Lycria for the neuropathy and a boatload of extra vit D and calcium and I haven't had diarrhea since Saturday morning!!  This is huge for me as I usually run to the potty 15 times a day or so.  In fact, I'm sitting here eating a salad for lunch.  If i tried to eat a salad before, I'd be running to the potty before I even finished!!

If you want to change your diet habits, check out

thank you Micheleb...I have a strong feeling its my food. Going to check out the web site right now...