Lance Armstrong political abt healthcare | Arthritis Information


There's a commentary on by Lance Armstrong. ry/index.html

He's talking about his impatience with lack of attention in Washington to issues relating to cancer research and care. Most of what he says has to do with cancer research funding. But he also says this:

But in spite of this vast body of knowledge, 1,500 people will die from cancer today and tomorrow and the day after that, often because the care they needed to prevent cancer or survive it was not available to them.

I'm surprised he didn't follow up with more in his essay about the lack of available care, but his mention did catch my eye. I suppose we need a lot of high-profile attention to the matter of health care access in order to get the attention of lawmakers and to give them the courage/ammunition that will be required to take action for increasing health coverage.

The issue of health care coverage is so much bigger than cancer, RA, or any given disease. I thought Marian made some particularly interesting points under another post about the hidden costs of uncovered healthcare needs. I do hope this gets more attention in the coming  months.
