Bonny, a question | Arthritis Information


Bonny, I think you said that in your state that you get SSI benefits while you are in the process of filing for SS. Is this really true? No one in AZ seems to know. I've been calling everyone including SS.

If you are getting them, are you sure you are supposed to? If it's a mistake, don't say anything. Wouldn't want you to lose them.

But how did you get them. I got turned down for both SS and SSI.

What is happening in other states?

Deanna, with the posts i have read from you, I cannot believe you have been
turned down. I'm very glad you have people working for you to get this
cleared up so you can get the help you need and deserve. In my state, you
get back pay from the day you apply but you don't actually get the money
until it has been approved, but it is back dated.

I personally don't get the WY SSI while waiting for SSDI as hubby works but if your household income is low enough it is available.  I was just letting you know and the medical program until Medicare kicks in here is awesome.

Does your state offer actual SSI benefits?  Some states have their own regulated program.  I don't know, and it is not my business, what your income is but it sounds like your household income should have qualified for state SSI while waiting for SSDI.  I would rather you got your SSDI before me as hubby is able to get us by a little longer with some credit card borrowing but I can tell that you are in desperate shape financially.

I really do pray for you every night for your health and disability award.

