That’s Right Folks... | Arthritis Information


You to, can ...

Just kidding

Anyways... thought I would share that our fake Christmas tree is still up. I am letting son pick the ornaments off it before I take it down. Ok... ok... I am not, I just have not felt up to doing it. Maybe after my Humira kicks back in I will feel up to it.

This would not be the first time the tree has stayed up pass the first of January. One time it stayed up until 2 months before Christmas, and then we took it down just to put it back up 2 months later.

Then we let is stay up for 6 months after Christmas. We took it down that time because MIL was threathing to take it down for us

What? We just wanted it to be Christmas all year round, and besides they have Christmas in July

Call us lazy if you please, but just know so did MIL.

Yeah, my family members would call every so often to see if we still had our tree up that one year LMAO! And then we would tell them yeah, and they would call back a few weeks later to see if we took it down. We were the talk of the family those 2 years HAHA!! Oh and my mommy back when I would call her everyday, first thing she would ask is if the tree was still up and I would yep!

This year she asked me the other day if our tree was still up and I told her yep! and she said oh no, for how long this time? I said until December 23rd! HAHAA!! And then she said I do not think you MIL will let you keep it up that long before she comes over to take it down for you. I said I would have to open the door for her to get in here to do it HAHHAA!!

Ok, I am just rambling now, I am bored and I cannot do anything, other than type

Thanks for a good laugh this morning!  You crack me up. 

I hate everything to do with the xmas tree.  I leave for the day when my hubby wants to put it up and he does it with the kids.  All the stuff all over is too much stress for me.  Just can't handle it!

We'd still have our tree up too if it wasn't my daughter's birthday.  Had it get it down before her party on Saturday so we have room for people.

Take care!  Laura

I take it you don't get a real tree?

I had mine out of the house before New Years. I get so tired of the CHristmas Decorations after CHristmas has passed. PLUS; it's dangerous for us because we have a live tree and it becomes a fire hazzard when it begins to dry out.

I'm kind of a neat freak and I can't relax and enjoy my vacation until I get that done. My husband helps me though.....and it feels so good when the house is back to normal after the Holiday's. Kind of helps get the New Year off to a fresh start.

Didn't put one up because I was too tired and knew I would be too tired to take it down. The kids didn't volunteer, so Voila, no tree.

Can't say I really missed it this year. I had too many other things happening. We celebrated with a ham dinner and a movie. Didn't really have gifts for my kids. They seem to understand. That's a gift in itself.

But I love Christmas. Just hate taking it back down again. So, Joonie, hold out all year. I'm sure that there are plenty of women that feel the same way. It's passive-aggressive, you know. Bugs all the women who just have to put things back in order. Almost cruel when you sit down and thing about it. But it is your tree, your house.

Nope, we do not get real trees. We have only gotten a real tree twice the whole 8 years, most it is the fake tree.

Well, son has been slowly taking the ornaments off the tree since we put the tree up. The tree got put up late this year as I did not feel like doing it, and MIL was hounding us put the tree up, since it would be sons "first" Christmas. We finally put it up like a week before Christmas. That was late for us. We usually get it up some time after Thanksgiving. I just did not feel like doing it this year.

I think Hubby said he was going to take the tree down this weekend. Maybe Saturday my Humira will have kicked in enough for me to stand long enough to take down the ornaments son cannot reach.

There are not a lot of things I like about Christmas, I stay away from shopping but I love the tree.  We did not get one this year as we have our decorations in CA still.  We really missed it.  Maybe when we get the decorations, we will put one up in July If you couldn't make a paper tree, I'm glad you still found a way to piss off MIL!

Aaahh... did not piss her off, I very rarely do that to MIL. She is a great person we get long and she spoils all of us. I live like 100 feet from in-laws. We live in their backyard in a tin box

I guess it is because of the way I was raised. Once you were told no, it meant no and there was no crying to get what you wanted all it got you was a good spanking and sent to bed. Which I did not get many of because my mommy would explain to me that she did not have money to buy me the things I wanted. I learned that when I was about 4. All she had to do was tell me before going in a store she was just in there to buy groceries and that was all, and I knew not to even ask for anything.

Oh well... And if I would have gotten to make my paper Christmas tree, it would have been down by now 

Maybe by Groundhog day I'll get it down.

What?! That is how it would go with me. By July you decide not to bother because Christmas is only 5 months away, and if you've gone 7, what's another 5? Is being obsessed with Christmas trees a side effect of the medications or part of the disease? I'm confused.

That is RIGHT!!

Hey! I was watching those Christmas specials on HGTV and there was this couple that LOVED Christmas sooo much they had Christmas trees decorated thruout their house and even in their bathroom. The trees are up year round, they never take them down. They will change the themes out, but they never take down the trees, but to replace them.

