Oh Yeah! | Arthritis Information


I got my Humria today!

I also paid off my balance so incase I get stuck in a bind like I did last month I will still be able to get my Humira as my balance is 0.

I liked using Wal-Mart Pharmacy, they would send me my meds even if I had 3 months worth of balance to pay. Stoopid CareMark will not refill my Humira for me until I have a 0 balance.

I get to take my shot again friday, so let's hope it works like it did before!!

How much do you have to pay for your Humira? I was only paying for a month supply. (Well; 4 injections)

They bumped up our co-pays around October from to . So if I have a left over balance it would kill me on a month that I do not get a check.

However, if I ever get my Humira Prior Authorized thru Medicaid, my co-pay would only be . BUT... I have to get the referral to my RD cleared thru Medicaid before they PA my Humira, until then I am stuck paying each month, and if I have a left over balance for more than a month they want you to pay your left over balance of and the current before they ship.

I did not pay the I had with them for 2 months, so that is how I found that out.

Glad you're caught up and everythings on track now.

Me too!

I was going to pay them their I had carried over for 2 months when I got my check in Dec, but turned out I was not getting one for Dec, but I would get a check in Jan. So... That screwed me up.

Oh, I would not have been able to give them a credit card as all of ours is maxed out.Okay - I'll get off my soapbox now.

Oh I have a debit card, but like you said does not help if there is no money in the account. Which by the time I get my check cashed and showing it cleared I have spent it on bills that hubby could not pay after he got his paycheck or I have to use my money to buy grocries for the next 2 weeks until hubby gets his next paycheck.

Sucks to be poor.

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