Fridgid weather | Arthritis Information


Well, for all of you who live in the northwest, crawl under your blankets. It is
to get to 20 below tonight here in Montana. My joints ache just thinking
about it. How is your weather out there.?

It's 84 degrees and lows of 68 at night here in Jaltemba Bay, Mexico.  I can't handle the winters up north any longer.  I don't know how you guys do it.

That's right.  Wyoming will catch a lot of it too.  Brrrrr.Bonny, you have been hit hard this winter. we have fared pretty well up here
in bozeman. I have to go to work at 3 today and I dread having to scrape
my windshields. My hands just throb the whole time. It never used to
bother me.

I'm in NC and we've barely seen Winter yet. It has gotten colder this week. A few nights around freezing....but highs in the 50tys during the day.

I shouldn't complain......but it sure would be nice to see a pretty snow!
