Roll over, play dead | Arthritis Information


Do you suppose that is what they really want us to do, roll over and play dead? I mean, we work until we beyond the capability of taking care of ourselves. Then, they play these extensive waiting games to keep us from getting any benefits in the hope we will give up or die. Either way they win.

And, who is "they"? They is the government that we supported when we couldn't hardly move through the day, while we watched our health take this unrelenting nose dive. Still we paid taxes. But now, when we really need them, they are out playing games.

Game of the week: roll over, play dead.

I  will  be praying  for  you  Thank you, Mark. Sorry to sound so down but I'm really just fed up. It's going to come Deanna!  Hang in there.  You do such a great job encouraging others and finding info for others and I know that what goes around comes around.