pissed me off | Arthritis Information


i went to pcp yesterday.  she said my rheumy wants to take me off enbrel to see how much of my pain is fibro and how much ra.  of course she has not seen the xrays yet i saw.  i miss my old docs and no way will i go off enbrel.  i dont think i like this rheumy Oh man Roxy!  What an absolutely horrible way to see what is what.  Did you mention that you are not a test mouse.  If it is the RA it would take a long time and a ton of pain to get things back to where you are now on the Enbrel.

It doesn't sound like the Enbrel has worked all that well to me. I think this might be a good opprotunity to open the door to a new treatment Roxy. I know all too well the fear of getting off of a medication though that's been successful; so I do understand that fear.

I know you've felt like it was doing something for you; which I'm sure it is....but is it doing as much as can be done for you? Try to look at this as an opprotunity to maybe get on something new and different entirely. You'll obviously have to have treatment for your RA. Weather it's fibro or RA causing the majority of your pain without treatment your RA will go out of control with your history. (I mean from what you've been through already)

I've recently been researching and spoken with a couple people who are on Rituxum. (Not sure I've spelled that right) They are having great success on this when other medications had eventually failed them.  Have you heard anything about this medication? Just curious.

Good Luck with everything. I hope everything turns out for the best.

ya know what roxy, i have found that a lot of my pain has been from my fibro.  Once they gave me a muscle relaxer i could tell a huge difference.  Maybe it is gonna be a good thing.

I think I agree with Lovie on this one. You get maybe 2-3 days relief from Enbrel. That's not very much for the high risks of the medication. If she takes you off, then you get right at her door the moment it flares.

However, that said, why don't you ask her to review your films BEFORE she takes you off a medication that you feel is helping you. Maybe her answer would be different.

I don't like her very much either from all that you've said. Maybe you should be looking for her replacement when you're up to it.

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