Would this make you mad?????? | Arthritis Information


When I went to pcp she said I should get a tetanus shot since I could not remember the last one I had and I am always getting injured.  The nurse came in and said - sign this for your tetanus shot.  I was not feeling well and just wanted to get out of there.  I signed.  After I got the shot it turns out they gave me a DTP - diptheria, pertussis and tetanus shot.  Makes me so angry.  I have had whooping cough - pertussis and I have read up on these immunizations and they can be very dangerous.  How dare they shoot me up with immunizations without them telling me first.  Makes me furious.You poor thing!!!!!

In the meantime, IT TOTALLY BITES and you have every right to be furious!


Laura T

More info please----What about comprimised immune systems and immunizations?  My doc said I should get the flu shot, but it might not be very effective.  I didn't have a problem, but it was only a flu shot.  Is this something I should be looking into?

It stinks that when your in pain and feeling down they just shove a paper under you nose.  Do you have someone that can go with you to tell them "Hold up a minute!"

K-Lynn -  I didn't ask.  I was so angry and hurting.  Too late now but from now on I sure will.  The whole thing makes me nervous.  My arm hurts and I have not been feeling good today so Ms. Paranoid ............you can imagine what I am imagining - case of whooping cough, diptheria and tetanus on top of my RA It is the live vaccines that we have to be careful of.  Roxy, my GP said anyone with RA needs the combination drug - the whooping cough on top of the RA could kill us. The immunity we had from the original shots is compromised, and whooping cough is on the rise again. Her problem was, she doesn't have any and has a hard time getting any. It's in short supply. I think your doctor might have done you a real favor. Of course, it would have been nice if you had a chance to discuss it first. Thanks Fiona.  That makes me feel better.  I researched vacines when Kelsey was an infant.  I opted that she did not having the pertussis vacine after reading many incidents from brain damage to death.  It took a lot of legal finagling for her to not get it.  I wish I would have had that choice for myself but it is behind me.  (I wish it were behind me as that hurts less than the arm One of my issues with doctors is that they don't think it's worth their effort to explain to us what they're doing and why. Thank goodness for forums that fill in the info!!! We're not so much at their mercy anymore. Roxy, if they told you tetanus, that is all that should have been mixed up
and given. The tetanus vial is different than the DPT vial and the nurse is at
fault as the doctor only said tetanus. what she/he did was wrong, and
illegal. I am a nurse and have not had a tetanus since 1979 and refuse to
get anymore. I refuse flu and pneumonia shots. I have never had the flu. I
had a hepatitis B series in 1995 and I'm not so sure that it didn't start a
cascade of events that led to my RA. I can't be sure but as I look back, it all
seems to fit together. I hate vaccines but that is just because I think they
give too many. I know we need to be careful but who knows how it effects
our immune systems. The CDC has a website that lists what vaccines we
should take and what not to take. Thanks Lorster.  I don't have the energy to make a stink but I am still "fuming" over it. 
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