Giving birth & RA | Arthritis Information


Hello, my name is Gema, i am 23, i have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and i am pregnant with my first child, i am due on Feb 14th 2007.

I am panicking about giving birth! the RA is in every joint, and i am worried if i will be able, or have the strength to push my baby out, or have the flexability.

I was wondering if any women has gone through Labour & Birth with RA and was ok, or did you find you had to have a Caserean Section?

I dont know wether to have a go at pushing first and if i have difficulty have a C - Section, or just talk to my Rheumatologist about booking one without trying delivering the 'normal' way.

I would really appreciate any advice/experiences/feedback you have to offer me, i am lost on what is the best thing to do for my baby and myself.

Thankyou in advance,


Hi Gem!

Welcome to the board.

I have Juvenile RA and have had 2 kids and am 27. Each time I was preggo I was in remission. I had my daughter vaginal and my son I had to have a c-section with him because he would not drop because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his leg twice so he could not decend, but they did not know that until the did the c-section.

All of my births were 12+ hours of labor. I do not remember getting tired during pushing, but then again I do not remember labor with my daughter, I was drugged up really good

You might want to talk with your dr about your concerns and see what they have to say about it. Maybe they will opt for c-section. For me c-section was way easier than the pushing.

Hello, and thankyou for replying,

My Rheumatologist said most women go into remission during 8 months pregnant and still waiting!! lol

I am in alot of pain right now (you know, hot & sore joints) so i really dont know what to do, my midwife said she understands why i would want one, and to talk to the hospitals doctor on the 2nd of feb! but hes due on the 14 feb, you think they can book me in for a caserean at this short notice?

Thankyou again for replying,


Gem :o)

I am not sure, the only way to find out would be to call the hospital to find out. My c-section was not planned, they just decided since my water had been broke for over 16 hours and even with inducing meds, he still was not decending that he needed to be born c-section.

So, call the hospital and see what they say.

Good Luck and let us know how everything goes I also did not go into remission. Ended up taking pred. the last two

My OB/GYN and I talked about the C-section. I told her that I wanted to
try initially. I ended up having a regular delivery. I did have a epidural
which of course helped the lower half. Basically--adrenalin(spelling?) and
the excitement kinda pumps you up a bit so it wasn't too bad. My son
was also small which of course helped matters.   Now--I was very sore
after the delivery. Dr.'s did treat that pain.


Hi becky, & Joonie,

Thankyou for replying,

I just have to wait and see what the doctor says as i am a bit reluctant about the C - section, but as i said before i just want what is best for my baby more than anything.

Cant beleive the baby will be here in less than a month! I have already had the 'show'! so im expecting to go any time now, and to be honest i am petrified! lol - still in two minds wether to try pushing first, or just have the section...

Thankyou for replying both,you both have different outcomes, maybe it just depends on the person?


Gem xx (i will keep you informed!) xx

Gem x

Hi Gema, Just wanted to wish you good luck.

Thankyou, i will keep you posted!!


Gem xx

GemGems, I wish you the best of luck having your baby. Once you see that bundle of joy you will forget all the pain. I will say a few prayers for you and what ever you decide will be the right choice I am sure. Joan

Hello Joan, thankyou for your prayers, and reply

I have decided to give pushing a go, and if it doesnt work out for me i will have a C-Section.

Thankyou again, and thankyou all for your kind words and replies.


Gem xx

Good Luck!!


I know its hard, but dont be Discouraged, you could/can have a child, there are ways to work around our Illness/Disability and have a child.

I have this great device, and its called a grabber, its a long (about arm length long) pole with a claw on the end of it...(like those things people have to pick up litter with) i was given it by my Occupational Therapist team, so if i drop anything i dont have to bend down to pick it up, it has been a real life saver, you can purchase them from any mobility shop near you.

I love children, and have always dreamed for a child of my own, i wont let RA stop me, i know i will be the best mum i can to my child...i know i wont be able to run & play, and do all of the 'normal' things with him, i will make up for that in different ways, and he will grow up knowing that his mum Has RA, and he wont know any different because that is all he will ever know.

I have been fearing carrying my baby, and i am going to buy one of those baby carriers and carry him around that way, i have also bought a maternity pillow to rest on my lap with him on top of it so when i feed him he wont be putting any pressure on my arms/joints.

If Theres a will Theres a way, we just have to do things a bit differently, doesnt make us any less of a parent. :o)

I will keep in touch after the baby is born, and let you know what life is like with RA and a newborn!!


Gem xx

You definitely should do your best to get your RA under control when the baby comes. I can barely carry a purse around sometimes let alone a baby.

Sophistablack-I remember chasing my boys around and sitting on them to change their diapers once they became REALLY mobile. My RA was mild then, but now?...I don't know. But I guess if you want something bad enough you make do. And if you have a dependable, helpful partner, it can work.

Gemgems, I think the easy part will be the delivery. There will be so much going on you probably won't even notice the RA.

Also, I did go into remission about 6 weeks into my pregnancies. My OBGYN told me it would come back with a vengence after I gave birth. And boy did it! So maybe you're better off!

Good luck.Thankyou Hessalina x

My RA went in remission during pregnancy and I delivered vaginally.  I will say though - RA (and my other immune problems) came back full blast before I'd even left the hospital.  I'm grateful to have a happy, healthy 2 year old and over time we've found ways to manage my RA and our quality of life.  I will say though, RA is the main reason we've decided not to have a bigger family.  I do just-barely-okay getting through the day with one child and I fear that (for me) if I tried to raise a second life, we'd all suffer. 

Best of luck to you - you will have good days and bad days - and hopefully many of the transcendent moments of motherhood. 

Thankyou for your reply Joywpa,

It is so nice getting other womens experiences with RA and motherhood.

I would like more children myself...but ill see how i cope with one for the moment! lol

I know i am going to have a flare up after the baby is born as i am in alot of pain now, and i can feel it ready to pounce on me!! luckily i have my partner who is great, and my family close by.

Thankyou for replying,


Gem x

Hi Gem,
I haven't visited this site in months because I have been very busy chasing
my 11 month old daughter around (she has just started crawling!). I
would like to tell you my story as well... RA only reared its ugly head when
I was about nine weeks pregnant (I'm an odd case in that I never had RA
before I was pregnant). It took many weeks and many blood tests later for
my doctor to work out what was wrong with me. My body just
deteriorated so quickly and the pain was unbearable. Luckily I was seen
by a fabulous rheumy who put me on Prednisone and voltaran
(diclofenac). This worked so well that I almost felt like I was back to
normal. I stopped the voltaren at about seven and a half months (as it can
cause problems with the unborn baby) and amazingly gave birth
naturally. It was a 12 hour labour with four hours of pushing - my
daughter's head got stuck in the birth canal, so they ended up using the
ventouse, but in the end labour was worth every minute. In between
contractions my husband was on one side of me and the midwife on the
other and both massaged my hips with oils I had made at home (birthing
formula) as that was where I had the most pain. Hot towels also helped,
as well as being under the shower with the water on my back. After she
was born the pain set in but I also had this amazing inner strength that
I've never had before... I had this beautiful baby girl and nothing was
going to stop me from taking care of her. The worst part for me was
when she was four months old. I had to wean her because the pain was
getting bad and the prednisone was making me nuts. At the time I was so
devastated that I couldn't breastfeed anymore, but now I look back and
think of how lucky I was to have fed her for four months. Once she was
on a bottle, I started on MTX and have now dropped the pred down to
2mg per day. I would strongly urge you to try for a natural birth before
having a C-section, only because it takes even longer to recover after the
birth, and you really want to be well as soon as possible. It also helps to
have a really supportive partner and family. Accept ALL offers of help and
remember that every ache, every sharp pain, every day you feel so tired
you can't get out of bed... is worth it just to see that gorgeous baby you
have brought into the world. I wish you lots of luck and hope to hear
some good news soon!

Hello Shannon,

Thankyou very much for your reply and your experience,

I am going to try and have a natural birth, i really want to give it a go, and i will give it my all!!

I really dont want a C-Section, so i am going to do my best to bring my baby the natural way, as i know i am going to have a flare up after he is born, and it would be really difficult for me to get about (as you said)

I want to be up and about as soon as possible!

I have just over 3 weeks to go now and he is here! i cannot wait, but i am worried how i will cope, but i know i will do my best by him.

Once again, thankyou very much for replying,

I will keep you posted on how i get /got on with the birth, hopefully it will go smoothly for me!


Gem xx
