Newbie/ With RA | Arthritis Information


I am new to the site, I have been here and read several interesting things about RA. So I thought while sitting here in our big truck I would go ahead and join and discuss as well about living with RA... I know one thing for sure, its difficult and it's something that you have to deal with daily.. I was diagnosed with it when I was 30, and it just keeps getting worse and worse. I am now 43 and have to take pain meds daily. I don't and didn't want to be dependent on pain meds, but some days with the occupation that we have it's just not possible. So I am reading and taking in advice from others of making my life easier and less painful as possible. I hate the fact that I live taking percocets daily.. But it does take my pain away and make riding in this truck alot easier on both my husband and myself. yes he is actually wose than I, so any advice I find useful. Sp Howdy to you all who suffers as well..


Hi Kel...welcome. I totally understand the way you feel about taking pain meds. I too have tried to avoid them as much as possible. What other meds are you on for your RA? Does your husband also have RA?

Welcome Kel...I understand about pain meds as I now have to take hydrocodone daily.  This is a great board for info and help.

Take care.

Welcome Kel. Post so we can get to know more about you. Are you and your husband truck drivers?Hi Kelly...welcome!



Welcome! :) Hope you're a little off yer rocker, cause god knows the rest of us are. Hahaaha can't wait to see you posting a little bit more. :)


