immunizations | Arthritis Information


Could be in my head.  Achey all day yesterday, up all night low grade fever achy, REALLY achy today - could it be the DTP vacination that I was unwillingly given 

Certainly if it could be that or an infection, please call the doc. With your meds, you shouldn't really be running an infection. I know that is a very significant symptom with me. I never let that go unaddressed. Every time, I have had a very serious infection.


I'm sorry that happened to you.  You might try what I do when I'm getting meds or an injection.  I confirm what they are giving me AGAIN right before it is administered or given.  they might think I'm a pain in the a**, but at least I know what I'm getting.  I know you were really sick and it's hard to be proactive when you feel bad, but that might be an option so that doesn't happen again. 


I'm going in for my tetanus Roxy and I'm making them show me the bottle,
lol...Look at this web site
Hope this helps. Ok Roxy, I learned something about the Tetanus. I told them I only wanted
tetanus. The bottle said....because I picked it up and read it, Diptheria and
Tetanus. So I said to the guy, I only want Tetanus. He said. It does not
come in just Tetanus at this clinic. He told me that most everyone gives the
combo and most are going to the DPT. So, unlikely to be given Tetanus by
itself. So if the clinic you go to only has DPT, that is what you will get. I do
not feel this is fair and people should have a choice about what they take
into their body. oh, one more thing...i have been fluish since getting it so I think it is the
Tetanus also